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Topic: How to fade out in repeat of last few measures? (Read 8993 times) previous topic - next topic

How to fade out in repeat of last few measures?

In the attached song, I am trying to fade out in several repeats of the last four measures however, the song never repeats.  I tried to add a 64th rest in the endings, but it still didn't repeat.

Any suggestions?  TIA
Since 1998

Re: How to fade out in repeat of last few measures?

Reply #1
It doesn't repeat because the repeat close is never musically encountered.

Replacing your Local Repeat Close with:
Code: [Select · Download]
will get your repeat, but ...
Dynamic Variances do not appear to do anything except during the first iteration.

In this simple example:
Code: [Select · Download]
I would expect to hear a decrescendo over the entire passage, but it all happens in three notes.

It would appear that this needs much more study...
Registered user since 1996

Re: How to fade out in repeat of last few measures?

Reply #2
[I can't check out the attachment right now due to my recent HD crash, so I'm winging it...]
I tried to add a 64th rest in the endings, but it still didn't repeat.
Try adding 64th-notes in the endings, with a ppp.

The way I've accomplished it in the past, though, is to use hidden staves with the proper dynamics (or MPCs).
I'd attach a sample but I don't even have NWC re-installed yet...


Re: How to fade out in repeat of last few measures?

Reply #3
Your wings are broken, adding rests won't help :)
Registered user since 1996

Re: How to fade out in repeat of last few measures?

Reply #4
Special endings only apply to NWC Master Repeats, so you could use this kind of thing (along with changing the opening repeat to a Master Repeat):

Code: [Select · Download]

However, I would generally recommend that a fade be done using an Expression change with a Multi-point Controller. You could replace each of your local repeat open bars with this selection:

Code: [Select · Download]
|MPC|Controller:exp|Style:Linear Sweep|TimeRes:Whole|SweepRes:1|Pt1:0,127|Pt2:12,0|Pos:-7|Wide:Y|Justify:Right|Placement:BestFitForward
|Text|Text:"Fade Out"|Font:StaffItalic|Pos:-10

If you use this second solution, make sure to remove the extraneous special endings, as well as the dynamics, as they are not needed.

Re: How to fade out in repeat of last few measures?

Reply #5
You could also try this - some visual touchup is still required - I only had a minute ot two...

It works on my system.
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: How to fade out in repeat of last few measures?

Reply #6
Many thanks for the excellent suggestions.  I am still tweaking this version (from a midi) so it will be as faithful a reproduction of Marianne's version of this song as my wife will be singing it at her class reunion and I may be providing the string(s) after the 1st verse.

Once again, thank you.
Since 1998

Re: How to fade out in repeat of last few measures?

Reply #7
Your wings are broken, adding rests won't help :)
I wrote "Try adding 64th-notes ..."
I know rests won't work, but I have used notes in the past with some success.

Re: How to fade out in repeat of last few measures?

Reply #8
Special endings only apply to NWC Master Repeats
No Master Repeats in this Code, but definite application.
Code: [Select · Download]
This seems like a good place to (re)request that double bar line not reset the count. One can always use an invisible Section Close to reset the count. I see that double bar lines no longer reset the count. My day for retractions, I guess. Kudos to NoteWorthy for the fix, but did anyone see any announcement?
Registered user since 1996

Re: How to fade out in repeat of last few measures?

Reply #9
This seems like a good place to (re)request that double bar line not reset the count. One can always use an invisible Section Close to reset the count. I see that double bar lines no longer reset the count. My day for retractions, I guess. Kudos to NoteWorthy for the fix, but did anyone see any announcement?

Not so sure it is fixed...  Try this quick test:
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: How to fade out in repeat of last few measures?

Reply #10
Not so sure it is fixed...  Try this quick test:
I guess you are right. But try this quick hack...

Change the Double Bar to a Section Open for a different result.
Yet another result for a Section Close. Yikes!
Registered user since 1996

Re: How to fade out in repeat of last few measures?

Reply #11
I guess you are right. But try this quick hack...

Change the Double Bar to a Section Open for a different result.
Yet another result for a Section Close. Yikes!

Oh dear (in my best Eeyore voice) - I think we could use either some consistency or a definitive guide on the design functionality of these guys.

For mine, a double bar line should probably be treated just like a normal bar line - this allows for properly formatted key changes etc.

Not sure about section open/section close...

Another thing I have problems with - a LOT - is in reducing works to less pages but maintaining the layout - much of what I do needs what would normally be considered peculiar n time bar function.  E.G:
I quite often find a repeated section where the 1st time bar is also the 3rd time bar, the second is the 4th as well, but time 3 and time 4 through the section come AFTER a DS or DC.  NWC cannot play this back correctly unless I write it out "the long way" - so instead of reducing pages, I'd double or triple the pages.

I can make it look OK, but it won't play back right  :(
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: How to fade out in repeat of last few measures?

Reply #12
Many popular songs contain a few bars of Repeat and fade after a Coda. IMO, NWC2 needs to improve its handling of this. Controlling a long fade via a Volume Controller adds a lot of overhead to MIDI. I would much rather use Velocity, especially for percussion instruments.
Registered user since 1996

Re: How to fade out in repeat of last few measures?

Reply #13
Many thanks for the help and insights.  Attached is the [glow=red,2,300]final[/glow] version except when done on a webpage loop, the 2nd time is the oboe introduction alone.  I tried to insert mpc's in the 3rd ending to reset it, but the newly exported midi version still doesn't fly.

Web citation removed by author.
Since 1998

Re: How to fade out in repeat of last few measures?

Reply #14
Since you are fading the Expression Controller in meas. 72, you  might try restoring it at the end instead of the Volume Controller
Registered user since 1996