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Topic: 2 quick suggestions for NWC2 (Read 9444 times) previous topic - next topic

2 quick suggestions for NWC2

Hello, I have been using Noteworthy Composer 2 beta for some time now, and I have 2 small suggestions that I think are definitely possible for the final release of NWC2.

First, it would be nice to have more complex staff groupings on the printed page, like in this example:

<Image Link>

There are possibly workarounds to this solution, but with some of the longer compositions I and others may work with, User Font space is often limited (expansion of this may be another thing to consider for a later release of NWC).

Secondly, it would also be nice to be able to have decimal places to work with when placing objects vertically, spacing notes horizontally, etc. One most noticeable example would be to have this sort extra note spacing (actual score):

<Image Link>

as opposed to this (Noteworthy transcription):

<Image Link>

Even if I could simply have an extra note spacing amount of ".5", it would look far better than the minimum of "1".

I am not quite sure where to go to make suggestions, but seeing that many already have on the NWC forum, I figured I'd give it a shot. I'm sure both of these are not too out the realm of the programmers at Noteworthy Software, Inc. And I'm sure I'll have some more suggestions in the future as soon as I find something that bugs me! :-)

P.S. All images are either copied from public domain sheet music or are my own work.

Re: 2 quick suggestions for NWC2

Reply #1
... it would also be nice to be able to have decimal places to work with when placing objects vertically, spacing
It surely would be nice.
Registered user since 1996

Re: 2 quick suggestions for NWC2

Reply #2
First, it would be nice to have more complex staff groupings on the printed page, like in this example:

Secondly, it would also be nice to be able to have decimal places to work with when placing objects vertically, spacing notes horizontally, etc.
<snip some more>

Even if I could simply have an extra note spacing amount of ".5", it would look far better than the minimum of "1".

I concur.

I am not quite sure where to go to make suggestions, but seeing that many already have on the NWC forum, I figured I'd give it a shot. I'm sure both of these are not too out the realm of the programmers at Noteworthy Software, Inc. And I'm sure I'll have some more suggestions in the future as soon as I find something that bugs me! :-)

The wish list is here:
Though we usually tend to talk about 'em (wishes that is) here too...
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: 2 quick suggestions for NWC2

Reply #3
Thanks! I'll be sure to check that out.

Re: 2 quick suggestions for NWC2

Reply #4
Stravinsky is public domain?

Re: 2 quick suggestions for NWC2

Reply #5
Not in anyplace copyright endures 50 years or more past death.

Re: 2 quick suggestions for NWC2

Reply #6
Well, that first piece is Stravinsky's Rite of Spring...

Re: 2 quick suggestions for NWC2

Reply #7
Well, that first piece is Stravinsky's Rite of Spring...

Hmm, now that you have mentioned it, I checked back at the site I found Rite of Spring, and it was gone! There was also a note at the top of the screen stating that "All works of [Stravinsky] are still under copyright in Canada, the EU, Japan, and elsewhere; and are thus subject to deletion. The works are also probably copyrighted in the U.S. if it was first published after 1923. "

So, I may want to detract my statement that it is in fact public can visit the site here: