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Topic: Help shifting music (Read 2325 times) previous topic - next topic

Help shifting music

Not sure if this is the right forum, but I've got a song, where I made a mistake and replayed it, and now I want to basically delete about half a bar of notes that are in the middle of the song.  How can I basically delete a portion of a bar and essentially shift the rest of the music backward?  Essentially its like if I have three bars with 4 notes each, how can I delete two notes from the middle bar that then shifts the whole song in by those two beats so that the final bar has only 2 beats instead of 4?

Re: Help shifting music

Reply #1
Assuming you don't particularly care about the Strong-weak-medium-weak pulse of a 4 beat bar, just run Tools/Automatic Bar after you've deleted the notes.  The bar lines will move to where they're supposed to be in 4/4 time, and the final bar will have 2 notes and a half rest to fill it in.