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Topic: tryin to figure out how to do this... (Read 2751 times) previous topic - next topic

tryin to figure out how to do this...

i was curious on how to play a certain part of the score only once... that way when the stave is repeated it passes by this area.

it looks like the Special Ending- 1st ending command except it has the degree symbol


looks something like that

Re: tryin to figure out how to do this...

Reply #1
  • practice
  • discipline
  • mark it with a hi-lighter
  • use Special Ending with the 1st Ending box checked
Registered user since 1996

Re: tryin to figure out how to do this...

Reply #2
is there a way to made a certain section a special ending? like only 3 measures?


Re: tryin to figure out how to do this...

Reply #3
It's not entirely clear what you're asking for, SBHawk, but see if writing it this way does it. 

The yellowish colour denotes hidden elements that won't be seen when printing.

I found that if I didn't use the last two special endings, the repeat never stopped repeating, but that's probably because to would normally find the repeat inside the first or second endings.

That suggests another flow direction is needed that could be put into a special ending - something like "to next section."

Re: tryin to figure out how to do this...

Reply #4
In your Samples folder, there are 4 samples: Repeat1.nwc - Repeat4.nwc
Perhaps your answer might be found there.
Registered user since 1996