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Topic: Intro (Read 5391 times) previous topic - next topic


Hello all, me again..

Next song I want to enter into NoteWorthy begins with an intro, and the counting of the measures starts AFTER that. Now I am entering notes in a measure with the wrong number, it drives me crazy, all the more since it's not a short song either......

I've tried to read the posts about numbers and measures, but with something like an intro I would think NoteWorthy has to have SOME arrangement.. I'd really like that hahaha since those posts are owefully complicated when English is not your first language..
Greetings, and thanks in advance for helping me out!


Re: Intro

Reply #1
NWC starts counting bars from the beginning. There is not any way around this. If you want to start counting from somewhere other than the beginning, you need to use a separate file starting from that point.

Re: Intro

Reply #2
I agree...when I enter music, there are often measures A, B, C, and D as an intro. Once I printed out transposed parts for four of the instruments in my jazz band, and we had to scribble out the printed measure numbers and replace them with the correct ones.  Then I had to keep saying "the measure that SHOULD be ##, if you haven't changed it, find the number and count four measures after it..." because people didn't mark their parts...

Re: Intro

Reply #3
While you can start from 0 (for pickup bars) or 1, the automatic measure numbering by NWC is not ideal since it only prints the measure number at the beginning of each staff.  That's ok for parts meant for one player, but if you're printing for an ensemble, people may not have the same number of bars per line, so the bar numbers won't agree from part to part.

If your leader says "start at 25," your part has measure numbers marked as 21 and 32, and someone else's has 19 and 28, someone's going to delay the rehearsal, counting from the nearest numbered bar.  Moreso if the leader's bar numbers happen to coincide with the middle of somebody's lengthy multibar rest.

A good workaround is to use rehearsal letters instead of bar numbers.  You can download various fonts from the Scriptorium and instal them as user fonts.  Marsu's Boxmark2 font is excellent for boxed letters. 

Re: Intro

Reply #4
Hi Laura

Since the measure number can be started from 0, (as far as the intro is not very long)why don't you notate all the intro within a single bar -measure 0. After that insert 'fake' bar lines as vertical line text in appropriate font and size.
Perhaps you may need to put some space before and after fake bar lines.
Then the song starts from measure 1.

In the different case I use this way.
When the song begins from up beat and has master repeat bars in it, a bar is often divided into two by the repeat bar. However these two bars should be counted as one bar. Then I use the fake bar line mentioned above just after the repeat bar. And this works well.

Re: Intro

Reply #5
Ok, starting with measure number 0 is good enough for me, where can I change that?

Re: Intro

Reply #6
G'day Meriaantje,

Ok, starting with measure number 0 is good enough for me, where can I change that?

Go to:
|Page setup|Options tab, bottom field: "Measure Start" and change to 0
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Intro

Reply #7
YES! Thanks very much all!



Re: Intro

Reply #8
As far as rehearsal points go, I have found that it works best if I put the measure numbers at the beginning of each line and put letters at each major rehearsal point. After it prints out, I draw boxes around the letters. That way, I can say "3 before B" or "19" and people can find it. Finding 19 given 28 and 12 isn't hard, just count. As an orchestral musician, I'm used to it...(I always hated when the director would say, "36 bars after D" when he could have simply said "52" or "2 before E"...counting to 36 took forever...)


Re: Intro

Reply #9
It might be useful to use something like this for bar numbering of every measure on pieces of up to 200 bars until such time as we get the feature built into the program. 

Turn off bar numbering, then copy this to an otherwise blank staff, place it at the top of your score, and have it "layered with next." 

Delete the bars you don't need (but maybe save the clip as a separate file to use as a template first?).
