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Topic: Personal Messages (Read 2692 times) previous topic - next topic

Personal Messages

G'day everyone,
it has dawned on me that perhaps not everyone has their personal messages notification turned on...

I have sent several PM's lately that have not as yet been responded to.  Two were quite recent and the recipients may not have been on since they were sent, but at least 1 was sent to a user that has posted several times since...  Of course this assumes that they might actually want to respond to me :)

Might I suggest that users check their profiles and turn on PM notification, assuming of course that you would like to receive personal messages!

Go to | Profile | Personal Message Options | Check "Show a popup..." |

It may be necessary to turn off your pop-up stopper for * in order for this to work.

Otherwise, it mightn't hurt to make it a practice to check your PM's when you log on.
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Personal Messages

Reply #1
No discourtesy intended, Lawrie, sorry.  I am still not fully familiar with all the features of this new forum design.  I'll go to the PM folder and reply from there.

Re: Personal Messages

Reply #2
G'day David,
No discourtesy intended, Lawrie, sorry.

Thankyou David, but no discourtesy was assumed so no apology is needed.
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Personal Messages

Reply #3
I have my pop-up stopper on and it is not a problem.
I just look at the top of the page (when I remember...):
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