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Topic: How to crescendo on one note (Read 13215 times) previous topic - next topic

How to crescendo on one note

In this version of "voltest" is it possible to do a crescendo on one note?  The dim. works OK.
Since 1998

Re: How to crescendo on one note

Reply #1
G'day Warren,
try this...
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: How to crescendo on one note

Reply #3
I still seem to be in the dark as to when to override note velocities.  I tried to do a crescendo in measure 10, but I blew away the dynamics for the violin for the rest of the piece. 

This is what I have thus far:

Since 1998

Re: How to crescendo on one note

Reply #5
If you want to use Volume as the controller then unset the overrides on the p in bar 9 where they are just confusing the issue, and insert an invisible f[-,62] just before the crescendo mark. Then change the next f in bar  10 to [-,127].

The logic is that the note must be able to sound f so its velocity should be 92 (the default) but we have to bring the effective velocity down to 45 so that it starts p. And 127*45/92=62. Whether the effect is linear (or proportional) like that is a matter for conjecture. On my sound card it starts too loud.

The main drawback to using volume is that if you change the initial staff volume (to balance the staves say) then all your calculations are thrown out! Although slightly more difficult you can get the same effect using expression in an MPC.


Re: How to crescendo on one note

Reply #6
The main drawback to using volume is that if you change the initial staff volume (to balance the staves say) then all your calculations are thrown out! Although slightly more difficult you can get the same effect using expression in an MPC.

On the other hand, if you use volume for dynamics, you can use expression to balance.

Re: How to crescendo on one note

Reply #7
My favorite class in high school was geometry.  Everything new I learned there was on top of what had been covered already and easy to keep track of and apply to later stuff.

Few things in life are like that though.  I see I have a lot to study and experiment with to be able do this.  At this point I don't know if I am just a few "all ya' gotta do" steps from picking this up or if I need to become a midi master.

If anyone would like to start a user tip on "First steps in creating a performance ready NWC file", please be my guest.
Since 1998

Re: How to crescendo on one note

Reply #8
If anyone would like to start a user tip on "First steps in creating a performance ready NWC file", please be my guest.

Don't want much do you? :-)

Re: How to crescendo on one note

Reply #9
Guess I was a little depressed the other day.  At any rate, I cut the entire staff to my text editor where I could override every dynamic.  I changed the più forte to something between mf and f and added a few more hairpins and mpc:volume's to keep the dynamic changes from being as abrupt.  It's back on the link I mentioned earlier.
Since 1998

Re: How to crescendo on one note

Reply #10
Horses for courses, of course, but a user tool would have done the same thing much quicker. Changing velocities of dynamics could easily have been done in the staff properties box. Better yet, in the itree - then all you needed to have done was refresh the instruments in staff properties. Don't forget that dynamics have both velocity and volume - both of which can be changed.

Re: How to crescendo on one note

Reply #11
I can see that I need an entire course in dynamics etc...

Re: How to crescendo on one note

Reply #13
I found that pdf file quite useful, but I also need a course in dynamics.  This is my first attempt at using volume only in dynamics on the violin part of the Meditation from Thaïs.
Since 1998

Re: How to crescendo on one note

Reply #14
I listened and looked at the file. Beautiful :-) If I may make a couple of suggestions?
On the violin staff, if you had set all the dynamics to 120 (staff properties / instrument) and used a user tool to change the volume you would have saved yourself a lot of work.
   Also, it would look neater (IMHO) if the tempo markings were a) on one staff only and b) the preserve width option was unticked.

Re: How to crescendo on one note

Reply #15
G'day Warren,
very nice!

A suggestion, when you look at the print preview, there are several locations where slurs cross either other slurs or beams from the staff above or below.  Adjusting the slur direction in the note properties would improve this.

Just a little niggle really, depends on whether you want to listen to (quite lovely) or read (some improvement available) it.

Thanks for sharing.
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: How to crescendo on one note

Reply #16
I had a user tool of sorts to do the dynamic markings:  I cut the whole score to the clipboard where I changed the dynamics en mass.

I cleaned up the piece a little bit.
Since 1998