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Topic: Space and Invisible rests (Read 5038 times) previous topic - next topic

Space and Invisible rests

I think I'm missing something.  When I make rests invisible in a piece, the space they take up disappears.  Now, this is sometimes just as well, but not always.  Is there some sort of setting that I haven't found to control this?

Re: Space and Invisible rests

Reply #1
You are not missing anything. Visibility:Never generally means no ink and no width.
Think of it as: doesn't exisit in Print Preview or Print

There are cases where it would be useful to have width but no ink. Alas, this is not a feature.

The best you can do is change the object's Color to Highlight n and define Highlight n to the background color (usually white) .  You may have to move the object so as not to occlude a prior object. It would be useful to be able to set a Highlight color to none.
Registered user since 1996

Re: Space and Invisible rests

Reply #2
In version 1, invisible rests do take up space (I assume you’re using version 2...)
I just finished making an orchestral part with a number of huge rests [42 bars, 50 bars, etc.],
and they took up too much space, so I made all but 8 or so into “grace rests,” which take up very little space.
But getting back to your problem - you could pad out the needed amount with text; I usually use a space, set to Preserve Width, copied&pasted as many times as needed.
I also use to “white highlight” quite often, but it offers less control over spacing.


Re: Space and Invisible rests

Reply #3
In ver 1.75b, invisible rests take up space, but not as much as visble rests.

Registered user since 1996

Re: Space and Invisible rests

Reply #4
K. A. T. says
I also use to “white highlight” quite often

Where do I find "white highlight"?

Re: Space and Invisible rests

Reply #5
The way I've been adding space for years is: enter some spaces text, using the largest font you have (probably Page Title Text), and Preserve Width.  I'm sure this came from the forums!

You can also use this technique to tweak spacing, but using single spaces of small fonts.  Sometimes it's a bit tricky finding them again!

Re: Space and Invisible rests

Reply #6
Where do I find "white highlight"?

Go to Tools Options...
Color tab
set one of the Highlight colors to white.

Re: Space and Invisible rests

Reply #7
K. A. T.

I found it seconds after I'd made the post.  Should have looked first, I know....

Thanks, in any event.

Re: Space and Invisible rests

Reply #8
Try this.  The spaces are within the rest sign.  You can also use forced system breaks to make 3 or 4 bars stretch a little.

(By the way, I had written a fairly long (and better) message, and attached the file below.  I had already attached the same file to another posting, so got an error message asking me to rename this one.  Then I lost everything I had written, about 5 minutes work.  Bugs in the forum, methinks.  Har-rump-ph!!!)