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Topic: New Forum - Nice look. (Read 65539 times) previous topic - next topic

Re: New Forum - Nice look.

Reply #50
Additional changes to the forum include:

  • The ability to edit any of your old posts, without a time limit
  • Any member can post to any of the message boards that are visible to them, including those dedicated to NWC2's always fun to modify your post after someone responds, especially if their answer sounds odd by can even change your question to blackmail them... rofl

just kidding, I wouldn't do that!

Re: New Forum - Nice look.

Reply #51
New user sez forum is a pleasure to use.  I like it.

Some forum programs can let the member be notified by email when there is a post to a "watched" topic.  If this program has that ability, I recommend it be turned on.

Re: New Forum - Nice look.

Reply #52
This feature is enabled for those that have upgraded their membership via the NWC2 Beta enrollment wizard.

Re: New Forum - Nice look.

Reply #53
When I go to the Home Page and click on Info, the forum and user links on that page still point to the old forum.
Registered user since 1996

Re: New Forum - Nice look.

Reply #54
Thanks for the report. Our site-wide search engine will still find links to old forum topics (intentionally), but no direct links to the old forum index should appear.

Re: New Forum - Nice look.

Reply #56
Thanks for the report. Our site-wide search engine will still find links to old forum topics (intentionally), but no direct links to the old forum index should appear.
Will the old forum ever be back?

Re: New Forum - Nice look.

Reply #57
Most don't WANT it to be back. It's been imported into this forum... I think. The original's still on the NWC main, though.
Supported by The Brotherhood of Pandas

Re: New Forum - Nice look.

Reply #58
My understanding is that the new forum was introduced 'cos the old was too easily abused, and there were 1 or 2 who were doing so... (You know who you are)

While I liked the old forum, the new does have more, and more useful, features.  I am happy to remain with the new and would despair at having to wade through the verbal diarrhoea we were contending with again...

I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: New Forum - Nice look.

Reply #59
Hear hear!

Re: New Forum - Nice look.

Reply #60's always fun to modify your post after someone responds, especially if their answer sounds odd by can even change your question to blackmail them... rofl

just kidding, I wouldn't do that!

I found that quite handy recently when I added some keywords to my user tips to help people find them.
Since 1998

Re: New Forum - Nice look.

Reply #61
Twice, over the last few days, I have selected the grin icon <Image Link>. The grin icon shows in Preview, but when I post my reply and then revist it, the wink icon <Image Link> appears. Hardly an earth-shattering problem, but other icon substitutions could cause some confusion in a forum where many members are not native English speakers.
Registered user since 1996

Re: New Forum - Nice look.

Reply #62
Oh, we have smileys? :o ;D :D :) ;) >:(

Uhm, nope...

Re: New Forum - Nice look.

Reply #63

Oh, we have smileys? :o ;D :D :) ;) >:(

Uhm, nope...

Apparantly so.  Through testing the forum's URLs for the possible existence of about 30 or so popular smilies, I found these on the noteworthysoftware server:
<Image Link><Image Link><Image Link><Image Link><Image Link><Image Link><Image Link><Image Link><Image Link><Image Link><Image Link><Image Link>
I must add though, that had there been buttons, this would have been much simpler! <Image Link>

Re: New Forum - Nice look.

Reply #64
Smileys are not enabled, and these absolute links are not guaranteed to work.

Re: New Forum - Nice look.

Reply #66
No. The template for this page shows this option, even though they are globally disabled.