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Topic: Audit Note Stems bug (Read 24259 times) previous topic - next topic

Audit Note Stems bug

Code: [Select · Download]
When I enter the first Chord and then Audit Note Stems, the clipboard shows it as the second Chord. This appears to happen on all Chords with notes going in both directions.

The file saves and restores correctly and I can copy and paste. It seems that the Noteworthy Composer 2 clip format is being handled correctly but the Text clip format is lost forever. It is not corrected by a save and restore.

This bug won't be a problem for anyone not using User Tools, but it could be a rather insidious bug for those that do.

Question to Noteworthy: Is there a better way to alert you to bugs than posting the to the forum?

2007Oct03: This has been fixed as of Beta 2.20
Registered user since 1996

Re: Audit Note Stems bug

Reply #1
Rick, I think you entered the first chord with the forced stem direction on one or the other note.  NWC interprets this as a deliberate divisi chord, and has no way to know you want it over-ridden.

If NWC were to automatically correct this, choral music writers would be a bit frustrated, I think.


Re: Audit Note Stems bug

Reply #2
David, I'm not saying that NWC2 should not allow divisi.  I am saying that it needs to be handled correctly.

You have to force stem direction on both notes to get the first chord.  It is the normal way to get 2 voices of the same duration on one staff.  Audit Note Stems should be intelligent enough to leave it alone (and in fact it does in it's internal clip format).

As it is now, Preview 1q will wreck havoc on User Tools.

adp_TransposeChords.php, adp_Ranges.php, and adp_Parts.php

are all likely to to fail or produce inaccurate results.

It is hardly acceptable to tell folks not use Audit Note Stems if the staff contains "split" chords, but that would be my best advice until there is a fix.

Anyone currently trying to debug a script has my sympathies ...
Registered user since 1996

Re: Audit Note Stems bug

Reply #3
>When I enter the first Chord and then Audit Note Stems, the clipboard shows it as the second Chord.

I am not able to reproduce the behaviour as described. Is this exactly what you did? If not, can you explain exactly what you did?

Re: Audit Note Stems bug

Reply #4
>Audit Note Stems should be intelligent enough to leave it alone

In all of my tests, it does exactly this.

Re: Audit Note Stems bug

Reply #5
I have been trying to find out what the problem is, exactly. To no avail. Could it be that the clip is already altered? And if so, what was the 'real' original, before the Audit-operation?

Note: beware of insidious expressions like 'wreak havoc', and shun the frumious apostrophe in it's...
(or you will run into the ubiquitous grammar police)


Re: Audit Note Stems bug

Reply #6
To produce my output:
Start with a blank score.
click quarter note. click note up. position cursor to +1. Press <enter>
click note down. Press <ctrl+down>. Press <enter>

Add a staff. Copy the chord just created to it.
Audit Note Stems on the new staff. Copy the "audited" chord to NotePad. Select all in NotePad, copy it, and paste it to the right of the chord that you entered manually. Copy both of them into the forum.

Original Chord:

After Audit Note Stems:

Maybe someone can tell me what the o in Pos2:1o means. And why Color and Visibility are now listed?

I know that this looks convoluted, but this is what a User Tool sees and it is important that it be accurate.

Hope this helps,
Registered user since 1996

Re: Audit Note Stems bug

Reply #7
An easier way to see it.
Fire up Micro$oft's Clipboard Viewer
Copy this into a blank score:

Code: [Select · Download]
The above is what you will see in the Clipboard Viewer's window.

Audit Note Stems then copy the two Chords. The Clipboard Viewer's display changes to:

Code: [Select · Download]
As I said before, this only affects the Text Clipboard format.
The binary format appears not to be affected. That is why you see no change if you paste ...
Registered user since 1996

Re: Audit Note Stems bug

Reply #8
Some light at last.
If I Audit Note Stems, then copy into my editor, and from there copy back, the first chord is changed into the second chord.
Waaaal, now that is a mite strange. And yes, it indeed means that any text-dependent tool will be affected - and it might send back wrong information.

No further questions, your honour.

Re: Audit Note Stems bug

Reply #9
Francis Beaumier
Green Bay, WI

Re: Audit Note Stems bug

Reply #10
Confirmed. As you point out, the stem audit seems to have a strange effect on split-stem chords. Looking into it...