Re: instrument patches
Reply #18 –
Hi Tony,
I think I _may_ have spotted it...
You have tried:
- \Jeux Bank =42,0
- Jeux = bank 042,
- jeux, bank = 042
- Jeux bank = (42,0)
- etc.
did "etc." include:
That is not in the list you gave, it is how mine is configured, and mine works. Perhaps a copy and paste is advisable?
I'm not sure if spaces are significant, but mine has none... Certainly the _order_ is significant.
This is my best guess, if that's not it then I'm out of ideas for the moment.
###### my entire Jeux.nwcitree follows ######
# Created by Andrew Purdam, and converted as an attachment to test the
# nwc2beta newsgroup's ability to receive nwcitree attachments.
# Comments from Adrew:
# Here is an instrument tree for the Jeux and JEUX Romantiques soundfont
# (normally banks 42 & 43). You will note that the itree predefines the
# soundbank information for you, which is pretty neat.
# HTH,
# A
Montre 8=0
Prestant 4=1
Doublette 2=2
MontrePrestant 84=3
MontrePrestantDoublette 842=4
Principals (g.o.) 821=5
MontreDoublette 82=6
Principals (g.o.) 168=7
Principals (g.o.) 164=8
Principals (g.o.) 162=9
MontreFlute 84=10
Nazard 2 23=11
Tierce 1 35=12
Larigot 1 13=13
Neuvime 89=14
Bourdon 16=15
Spitzflte 8=16
Holzflte 4=17
Open Flute 4=18
Gamba1 8=19
GambaFlute 84=20
GambaViola 84=21
GambaPrestant 84=22
GambaDoublette 82=23
ViolaPrincipals (g.o.)2 482=24
Trompette 8=25
TrompettePrestantDoublette 842=26
Sesquialtera II=27
Terzian II=28
Septade III=29
Nonade IV=30
Nazard III=31
Septime VI=32
Fourniture III=33
Cymbale III=34
Mixture VI=35
Principal Chorus 16842=36
String Chorus=37
Fond dOrgue=38
Ripieno I (g.o.)=40
Ripieno II (g.o.)=41
Plein Jeu (g.o.)=42
Grand Jeu=43
Tutti (g.o.)=44
Principal (pos.)3 8=45
Principal (pos.) 4=46
Principals (pos.) 84=47
Principals (pos.) 841=48
Principals (pos.) 82=49
Principals (pos.) 164=50
Gedackt 8=51
Gemshorn 8=52
Rohrflte 8=53
Rohrflte 4=54
Gemshorn 4=55
Blockflte 4=56
Sifflte 1=57
Gedackt 84=58
GemshornsMixture III 84=59
Flauti 821=60
GedacktLarigot 81 13=61
GedacktMixture VI 8=62
Flauti 42=63
Salicionale 8=64
Quintadena 8=65
Viola4 4=66
SalicionaleGamba 88=67
SalicionaleGedackt 88=68
QuintadenaViola 84=69
ViolaPrincipals (pos.)5 4164=70
Krummhorn6 8=71
Cromorne7 8=72
Cornemuse 8=73
Cor Anglais8 8=74
Schalmei9 8=75
Orlos10 8=76
Regal 8=77
Clairon 4=78
Clarines11 84=79
CromorneViola 84=80
Jeu de Cromorne IV12 8=81
KrommhornLarigot 81 13=82
Nazardos VIII13=83
Jeu de Tierce V14 8=84
Jeux Doux15=85
Jeu des Flutes=86
Ripieno I (pos.)=87
Ripieno II (pos.)=88
Plein Jeu (pos.)=89
Petit Jeu (pos.)=90
Jeu des Anches=91
Swell Chorus=92
Flute Celeste 8=93
Viola Celeste 4=94
Piffaro16 8=95
Vox Humana 8=96
Voix Humaine IV17 8=97
Grand Cornet V=98
Trompeta de Batalla18 8=99
Gros Cromorne19 8=100
Basse de Trompette20 16=101
Bombarde 16=102
Gobletflte21 2=103
Gobletflte 42=104
Echo Trompette 4=105
Goblet Nazard III 4=106
Echo Cornet V 8=107
Echo Flutes=108
Echo Chorus=109
Principal (ped.) 16=110
Sousbasse 16=111
Principals (ped.) 168=112
Principals (ped.) 164=113
Resultant22 32=114
Posaune 16=115
Fagotto23 8=116
PosaunePrestant 164=117
Posaune Pedal III 16=118
Quintade III (ped.) 16=119
Ripieno I (ped.)=120
Ripieno II (ped.)=121
Tutti (ped.)=122
Great Bells=123
Petit Carillon=125
# ------------------------------
\JEUX Romantiques=Bank(43,0)
Viola 8=0
Carnival Gedeckt 8=1
Carnival Trumpet 8=2
Viola Celeste 8=3
Flte Harmonique 8=5
Bourdon Principal (ped.) 168=6
Romantic Chorus I (g.o.)=7
Romantic Chorus I (pos.)=8
Romantic Chorus II (rcit)=9
Principals (pos.) 1684=10
Principal Chorus (pos.) 16842=11
Decimanona 1 13=12
Vigesimaseconda 1=13
Vigesimasesta 23=14
Vigesimanona 12=15
Romantic Chorus II (g.o.)=16
Romantic Chorus II (pos.)=17
Romantic Chorus I (rcit)=18
Quint 2 23=19
Mixture III=20
Fonds (g.o.) 8=21
Fonds (g.o.) 84=22
Fonds (g.o.) 168=23
Fonds (g.o.) 1684=24
Fonds (g.o.) lite 1684=25
Fonds (pos.) 8=26
Fonds (pos.) 84=27
Fonds 168=28
Fonds 1684=29
Fonds (rcit) 8=30
Fonds (rcit) 84=31
Fonds (soft pos.) 8=32
Fonds (soft pos.) 84=33
Fonds (soft pos.) 168=34
Fonds (soft pos.) 1684=35
Reeds (g.o.) 8=36
Reeds (g.o.) 84=37
Reeds (g.o.) 168=38
Reeds (g.o.) 1684=39
Reeds (pos.) 8=40
Reeds (pos.) 84=41
Reeds (rcit) 8=42
Reeds (rcit) 84=43
Musette Reeds 8=44
Fonds de Gros Tierce V=45
Fonds (ped.) 1684=46
Reeds (ped.) 1684=47
Pedal Reeds Bombarde 1684=48
Quart de Nazard 2=49
Beckerath Tutti=50
Divine Trumpet 8=51
Trompette en Chamade 8=52
Hautbois 8=53
Trompette du Rcit Romantique 8=54
Voix Cleste 8=55
Voix Humaine sans Tremblant 8=56
Pedal Reeds 168=57
Contra-Posaune 32=58
17th Century English Chorus=59
Bourdon 32=60
Stopped Diapason 16=61
Open Diapason 16=62
Diapasons 8=63
Diapasons 84=64
Diapasons 842=65
Choir Chorus=66
Mild English Chorus=67
Ripieno III (g.o.)=68
Plein Jeu VI (Neo-Baroque)=69
Cymbale IV (Neo-Baroque)=70
Twinkly Flute Mixture=71
Suaviola 8=72
Quintadena 4=73
Corinthian Flute 8=74
Glockenspiel 8=75