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Topic: French forum... (Read 8530 times) previous topic - next topic

French forum...

I'm not very good in english...


Re: French forum...

Reply #1
Tu peux demander ce que tu veux.
Je parle Français (assez, je crois) et il y a des autres pour traduire. Mais d'abord, essayez d'écrire en Anglais.
D'ailleurs, qu'est-ce tu voudrais demander?

You can write what you want.
I speak French (enough, I believe) and there are others who can translate. But for a start, try to write in English.
BTW, what was your question?

Re: French forum...

Reply #2
Is there no end to your linguistic ability, Rob? I've already noticed that your grasp of the English language - idiomatic as well as standard - seems to be better than a lot of native speakers. And now French. I'm impressed!


Re: French forum...

Reply #3
Moi, je _suis_ français mais je devrais être à même de traduire assez correctement tes questions et les réponses, si tu veux.

Quels sont les sujets qui te préoccupent ?

Re: French forum...

Reply #4
Je ne suis pas très doué en anglais, moi non plus.
Il y a quelques français et francophones
qui fréquentent ce forum.
On devrait pouvoir t'aider.
Mais pour cela il faudrait poser des questions.

Re: French forum...

Reply #5
I like the English language, listen to BBC World Service and sometimes to BBC Radio 4, and most of the books I read are in English. That helps. Also, I sometimes listen to RTBF, in French. It keeps my French in shape, imperfect as it is.
Not meaning to impress you further, but I can converse quite well in German, and know Verdi's 'Va Pensiero' by heart - but other than that, I do not speak Italian; I know about a hundred words in Polish, have an Asterix book in Latin, and can swear in Klingon. I would gladly trade some of that for more musical knowledge.

At this moment, I wonder when Daniel Fréchette will get back to us, so we can start working on his questions.

Traduction de ces dernières mots:
À ce moment, je me demande quand Daniel Fréchette nous recontactera, après lequel nous pouvons commencer répondre  ses questions.

Alors, Daniel, ça boume?

Re: French forum...

Reply #6
Je suis francophone et je demeure dans la province de Québec, Canada.  Je pourrai répondre à tes questions avec plaisir.
De plus tu peux compter sur l'aide de plusieurs utilisateurs de NWC.

Re: French forum...

Reply #7
There are some french (francophon) forii.
I set up more than one, during the +10 past years... There is one on Yahoo (nwc-francophone), that I forgot to promote, and one on NetCourrier.
But don't hesitate to post here anyway :)

Il y a plusieurs forums francophones. J'en ai moi-même créé plusieurs, depuis 10 ans. Il y en a notamment un sur Yahoo (nwc-francophone), que j'ai oublié de promouvoir, et un sur NetCourrier (chercher NWC).

Une doc en français est en cours...


Re: French forum...

Reply #8
I am French and living in France. I like NWC but it will be easier if a "patch" french exist. My friends who don't speak english at all will be "happy" !!
Sory if my english is so bad...

Re: French forum...

Reply #9
Rob, as much as I would love to have and devote the necessary time to acquire your multi-lingualism, you have one skill I truly envy:

and can swear in Klingon

Now there's a skill that can get one out of a jam... or maybe into one!

Re: French forum...

Reply #10
I am French and living in France. I like NWC but it will be easier if a "patch" french exist. My friends who don't speak english at all will be "happy" !!

Si cette aide, vous n'aurez pas besoin d'un forum:  (If this helps, you wouldn't need a separate forum:)

NWC in French

Reply #11
hello !
What we need is a french version for NWC...not only a forum !
Thanks nevertheless.

Re: French forum...

Reply #12
Yes, it would be nice... the big software developers provide multilingual programs, but I think Noteworthy is a one-man operation.   Eric would have to hire additional staff, and choose which languages (and keyboard layouts) to support.  My relatives would want Swedish, Flurmy would want Italian, Ergtugrul would want Turkish, others would want Norwegian, German, Italian, Chinese, Finnish, Hungarian, Czech, Russian, etc. 

I doubt if it would be worthwhile financially, and it would take him away from the continuous enhancements to the existing program.

Re: French forum...

Reply #13
If the program could be re-written in such a way that volunteers from a given country could supply the necessary bits of translation, and Eric (ideally) would only have to do a recompile, it would be very easy - and very, very marketable.
The program would have every piece of natural language tokenised (I oversimplyfy a bit, there is more to it, but that's the idea) so every token could be

I am sure that a Dutch version would be one of the first to emerge.