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Topic: NoteWorthy Composer 2 Public Preview (Read 46262 times) previous topic - next topic

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2 Public Preview

Reply #50
Llovve to hear your version, Llucyy.

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2 Public Preview

Reply #51
thanks for the help, i think i will buy it when version 2 comes out.

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2 Public Preview

Reply #52
A blank notehead for unusual circumstances
Now I can do REAL guitar tablature!

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2 Public Preview

Reply #53
It works fairly well; insert a forward slash (/) as text just ahead of the note, then use expression placement of aligned at next note, and centred.

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2 Public Preview

Reply #54
As far as tablature, my understanding is that (for lute, at least) one uses note stems with half the value of the notes indicated, that is a quarter note (crotchet) uses a stem with a single flag, like that for a eighth note (quaver).  A half note (minum) uses a plain stem, and a whole note (semi-breve) a stem with a flag on the left side.  See:
Reading Lute Tablature

Thus, one can't notate whole notes at all, and one must either write at half the normal tempo or pad with invisible rests.

I added the required head-less stems (taken, with permission, form the "Django" font)to boxmarks and posted it on the news group, back when zip files were allowed, but despite sounds of interest it was never taken up into the quasi-official boxmarks font.  For the Django font(s) see:
Django lute guitar tablature software

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2 Public Preview

Reply #55
I just recieved my 1.75b CD and was able to try this, and it is amazing.  I cannot wait to see the final product.


Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2 Public Preview

Reply #56
Being a very experienced user of NWC1, I must say that NWC2 is a great improvement.  My first major score in NWC2 looks even more professional than ever. No bugs or problems have been encountered.

BUT, would it be possible to get the new "top margin" feature to default to a figure other then zero? How about 0.20 inches. No printer that I know of accepts a zero top margin, so unless this box is adjusted each time, the top of the title is lost in the printer gutter.

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2 Public Preview

Reply #57
Further to 56, I should have said that the top margin  defaults to zero when files created in NWC1.75 are loaded into NWC2. Files created in NWC2 seem to be OK.

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2 Public Preview

Reply #58
NWC 1.75 has margin settings. When you open a 1.75 file in version 2, the margins are as they were set by the author of the file.

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2 Public Preview

Reply #59
...other then zero
should read
other than zero

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2 Public Preview

Reply #60
NWC allows you to create a placeable metafile of each page in your composition, using print preview, copy. In NWC1, the metafile is in WMF format. But in NWC2, it is in EMF format.

Both WMF and EMF can be placed into a word processing document. Theoretically, you could then edit the graphics; but in fact, the graphics editing capabilities of most word processors is inadequate. You can also edit the graphics in some drawing programs (such as Illustrator).

You can also open WMF or EMF into the free Irfan View program, which will rasterize the image, so that you can save it as a bitmap, TIFF, GIF, JPG, etc.

For reasons unknown to me, a WMF may be incorrectly sized in Irfan View, so that the image has incorrect dimensions, or low resolution. But the EMF is correctly sized and is interpreted at full resolution. It may be that the WMF would be better-interpreted in another program. I don't know.

So, from NWC2 you can produce high-resolution raster images of your pages (which may then be placed in a word processing document, or edited with a program such as Photoshop).

If you do create a placeable metafile for subsequent rasterization, then DO NOT create it at a time when your printer is set to high DPI resolution! If you do, then the amount of calculation required to rasterize the metafile will choke your computer. (If you do not intend to rasterize the metafile, no problem.) For rasterization, 600DPI max, preferably 300DPI.

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2 Public Preview

Reply #62
The link is fully functioning. Do you have problems with other SSL pages?

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2 Public Preview

Reply #63
SSL? im not that great in computer's in total, but this doesn't seem to happen with other pages must be this win95 comp, ill try another thx :)

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2 Public Preview

Reply #64
it worked on the other computer so im fine now :P

Re: NoteWorthy Composer 2 Public Preview

Reply #65
All further discussion on this topic should be directed to the NWC2 Forum.