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Topic: How can I switch lines? (Read 2905 times) previous topic - next topic

How can I switch lines?

after finishing 4 bars I want to go to the next line(4 bars per line.)
I added new staff pressing + button, but the first and second line plays at the same time.

how  could I make the next line which plays seperately. one line for each time.

Re: How can I switch lines?

Reply #1
If I understand you correctly, you have two staffs, each with 4 bars? And you want to listen to the second staff only? Then do this: Highlight the first staff (just click on it or use the PgUP and PgDN keys), hit F2 , click the 'MIDI' tab, then check the 'Mute' option.

Re: How can I switch lines?

Reply #2
You can also play just a single staff (the one currently selected) using SHIFT F5.
It is possible that what you mean is that the second line contains bars 5 - 8 and should play after the first line. In this case - just keep creating bars on the same (first) staff. When you Print Preview you will see the music wrapped round with as many bars on each line as the chosen paper size, paper orientation and font size will allow.

Re: How can I switch lines?

Reply #3
You do not add a new staff to start a new system. Each staff is represented from left to right as one long series of notation. System breaks are generally done automatically by the program when you print. You can force a new system using the Force System Break option on the bar line in the first staff. Look at the samples for a quick introduction to how songs are constructed in NWC.

Re: How can I switch lines?

Reply #4
I believe that Noteworthy's reply has diagnosed the problem.

A lot of new users may not realize how the NWC program works. When you are creating or editing music in NWC, each instrument reads from left to right, like a train on a straight railroad track. If there are five instruments (treble-bass piano counts as 2) then there will be five tracks.

You need to use print preview to see how the music will look, when it is wrapped to page margins. If your computer has no printer installed, you will need to install some sort of printer driver (select something from the Windows built-in list), just so NWC has something to set margins.

Re: How can I switch lines?

Reply #5
you cannot add new lines but keep adding to the line you are working on. It will print out as different lines if you do the page setup to look the way you want it to

Re: How can I switch lines?

Reply #6
It's kinda funny that some new users don't get this natural behavior of NWC. Probably an acquired behaviour from other scoring softwares?
I've never thought of how many paragraphs or chapters I want in a text document before I start to write them. And I'm ready to bet that nobody does!

Better, that kind of concept allows you to have only one file to manage full-orchestra scores and single instrument score. Just choose what you want to print at print time.