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Topic: Layering (Read 5614 times) previous topic - next topic


I already allowed layering on "Page Setup...", however, whenever I insert a chord member it looks like a regular chord. How do I achieve layering, after allowing it?
Caesar vane

Re: Layering

Reply #1
Not sure if I fully understand your chord question. However, after allowing layering, you still need to go to Staff Properties to tell NWC which staffs to layer.

You may have to fiddle a bit with rest placements, as well as note stem and slur/tie direction.

Hope that helps.

Re: Layering

Reply #2
If you select File | New | General tab, the "SATB" template will give you a very simple starting point for working with layering. You can use Staff | Staff Properties and File | Page Setup too review the property settings that enable layering. This is also covered in the version 1.70 User Guide "How To" section.

Re: Layering

Reply #3
Yes but if you have paid your licence a long time ago you have just an obsolete user guide. When do you plan to put it on the site (eg in pdf format) for dowload by old users.

Re: Layering

Reply #4
Jean - go to the NWC Scriptorium and download the new V1.70 Command Summary. You'll be glad you did.

Then, you can translate it to French for us. ;-)


Re: Layering

Reply #6
THe command summary seems (I have still not readen the 171 pages)to be very good.
It seems to be too big to be translated by one man ! I may volonteer to 10 % of it if there are other volonteers and many people asking for French translation....

Re: Layering

Reply #7
Bonne année et merci de répondre. Oui j'ai vu les messages sur la traduction. Désolé pour ce coup mais je pense que cela n'est pas nécèssaire car il me semble aussi avoir vu d'autres réponses dans ce forum disant en gros "Pourquoi ne pas traduire en Grec, en turc, en allemand, etc...". Dans certains sports, la langue officielle est une telle et tous les athlètes qui pratiquent ce sport comprennent. Pour moi, si j'écris mal en anglais, je le comprends suffisament pour tirer plein de solutions à des problèmes que je me pose. Merci à tout ceux qui ont oeuvré à la rédaction de ce user guide.

Re: Layering

Reply #8
I don't go often to the news group...
As has offered here earlier I volonteer to translate 20+-5 pages of the commands. Please define more precisely what I have to do...

Re: Layering

Reply #9

I've volunteered a while back on the Newsgroup to translate it into French. I should begin soon. If you're ready to help, please contact me and tell me what you're willing to translate.

About Pierre's remark:

It isn't _necessary_ to translate it into French, Greek, German, ... But if someone wants to do it, why not? And even if it helps only one person, well, it's been useful.

And, besides, I guess that you know the francophones' legendary ability (and enthusiasm) for foreign languages. ;)


Re: Layering

Reply #10
Pierre's message (in French) indicates that although he may not write English well, he can read it well enough. It is the same for me, in French. I own a French-language application and have no trouble understanding its help files.

But I believe that a percentage of NWC users are entirely new to electronic music. For them, the tutorial is the first place to go, rather than to the help file. But human behaviour being what it is, I expect that most new users simply turn on the program and attempt to learn it via help.

Re: Layering

Reply #11
Section 2 is 18 pages long. Is it OK for you?

If so, please send me an e-mail, and I'll give you more details.