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Topic: Dynamic Variances (Read 3278 times) previous topic - next topic

Dynamic Variances

My Midi player doesn't seem to support dynamic variances, that is, I insert a crescendo or diminuendo, or whatever, and it doesn't change a bit when playing it back. Is there any application I can install in order to achieve this?

Re: Dynamic Variances

Reply #1
You have to have a dynamic before and after the variance. For example, if you have a pp at the beginning, then a crescendo at the second bar, and a ff at the 10th bar, then it will play pp for the first bar, then gradually increase volume to ff at the tenth bar.



Re: Dynamic Variances

Reply #2
It might also be worth mentioning that dynamic variances don't have any effect on notes already sounding unless you've fiddled with the default MIDI volume setting of the preceding and following dynamics. The sample file "Voltest.nwc" shows an example of this.

Re: Dynamic Variances

Reply #3
Also, it only works for crescendo and decrescendo, not for
diminuendo or any of the others, unless something's changed.

Re: Dynamic Variances

Reply #4
Something's changed. It now works for dim. too.

Re: Dynamic Variances

Reply #5
Per the help text from Version 1.70 with both service packs:

"Only the Crescendo , Decrescendo , and Diminuendo styles exhibit the variance behavior described above. "

It also says this about dynamic commands:

"By default, a dynamic does not alter the MIDI volume of the channel being utilized to play back the current staff. You can change this behavior by overriding the MIDI volume behavior and specifying a MIDI volume of your choice. If you specify a override MIDI volume value of "-1" then no MIDI volume change will be triggered. "

I'm confused by this. It seems like its telling me that dynamics are not effective unless you manually override them. That doesn't seem to be the case, does it?

Re: Dynamic Variances

Reply #7
ahah! so my sound card is responding to velocity changes. Thanks, that helps explain some behaviors, such as unexpected dynamics when plying back MIDI's on a MAC.
I apologize for reading the help 3 times and not making the distinction.