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Topic: Tip: Creating Voice Activated NWC Commands (Read 3679 times) previous topic - next topic

Tip: Creating Voice Activated NWC Commands

Steve Pearson submitted a tip about the above subject. The program he used was a limited working version of Dragon Dictate available on the CD-ROM version of WordPerfect 6.1. I have WP 6.1 on floppies and Dragon Dictate is not on them. I have WP 7.0 on CD, but a different speech recognition demo is on it without the same flexibility that Dragon Dictate apparently has. Do you know how or where I can get the demo version of Dragon Dictate, even though I don't have the CD version of 6.1? Thanks.

Re: Tip: Creating Voice Activated NWC Commands

Reply #1
I gave what limited info I could to Beth at Noteworthy. Let me know if she got in touch with you. My only known source is Dragon Dictate on the Novell WP 6.1 disk. Dragon Dictate (personal) has a "relatively" low cost program. Additionally, VoicePad (the full version) may have some possibilities. A demo can be downloaded off the web. I tried the IBM program on the Corel WP 7.0 CD ROM and was underwhealmed. Steve Pearson

Re: Tip: Creating Voice Activated NWC Commands

Reply #2
could someone send me an e-mail with a url to the page that i could download a working version of any dictating program im looking very hard for one of the such