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Topic: Percusion (Read 4154 times) previous topic - next topic


Donde puedo conseguir las equivalencias de las notas de percusion entre las partituras que se consiguen en la red y las notas de percusion de Noteworthy ?
Por ejemplo:
en una partitura bajada de internet se muestra en el pentagrama de percusion la nota FA que es el Bass Drum
pero en Noteworthy el Bass Drum es un LA.

Muchas gracias por la atención.

Pedro López desde Caracas, Venezuela

Re: Percusion

Reply #1
Where can I get the equivalences of the percussion notes between the scores that are available on the Internet and the Noteworthy percussion notes?
For example:
In a score downloaded from the internet, the note FA, which is the Bass Drum, is shown on the percussion staff.
but in Noteworthy the Bass Drum is an LA.

Thanks for the attention.

Pedro López from Caracas, Venezuela
Since 1998

Re: Percusion

Reply #2
This file on the Scriptorium is the helpful resource I use:

General helpful stuff on the Scriptorium:

Google Translate version:
Este archivo en Scriptorium es el recurso útil que uso:

Cosas útiles generales sobre el Scriptorium:

I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Percusion

Reply #3
You can look at File -> Open sample -> Drumref.nwc for the standard MIDI percussions normally available with channel 10 in NWC.
For the percussion in the scores, the standard should be the one attached here.

Re: Percusion

Reply #4
Hi, thanks for your quick answer. That would help me a lot.
Now I know I can ask for help through this medium.
Thanks again.