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Topic: Tremolo (Read 6743 times) previous topic - next topic


Good morning to you.
I'm trying to insert a tremolo between two semibreves. I already did it in a previous bar, but with two half notes. Evidently it came to me by accident! Now I can't assign the "rest chord" status to the two mini rests.
I proceed like this: I insert the two rests of the value of half the notes joined by the tremolo, between the two rests I insert the "tremolo" object which however does not appear.
I also ask: can the tremolo bars be detached from the note stems?
I attach two images. Tremolo 1 ok, but bars stuck to stems, tremolo 2 fails.
Thank you.


Re: Tremolo

Reply #1
Just select the objects handle and <Ctrl+Shift+UpArrow> a few times.
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.