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Topic: Two bar repeat sign (Read 1966 times) previous topic - next topic

Two bar repeat sign

Insert Object SingleDoubleBarRepeat.

I can't seem to get the two bar repeat sign to work.  I think it did, not so long ago, but I must be getting rusty.  All I get is a text string on the staff that says "SingleDoubleBarRepeat."

Clearly I'vew lost track of how to get the symbol.   Help, please?

|Text|Text:"Hi-Hat Cymbals"|Font:StaffLyric|Pos:12

Re: Two bar repeat sign

Reply #1
Hi David,
are you talking about Mike's or hmmueller's RepeatMark.test ?

I certainly have nothing called "SingleDoubleBarRepeat" in my list of installed objects and when I copied your clip into NWC and tried to search for a new object it came back empty.
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Two bar repeat sign

Reply #2
You solved my problem once again, Lawrie.  Thank you.  What I needed was hmmueller's RepeatMark.test.