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Topic: How to edit pre existing text. (Read 14667 times) previous topic - next topic

How to edit pre existing text.

How do I edit text that already appears above the staff?


Re: How to edit pre existing text.

Reply #1
Look for the "anchor" character that appears below the text, and select it with your mouse or keyboard, so it is highlighted. Then right click and choose "Properties"

Re: How to edit pre existing text.

Reply #2
The anchor does not highlight.

Re: How to edit pre existing text.

Reply #3
The anchor does not highlight.
Perhaps the text is part of a different staff?  You can usually tell by the colour.  The default colour scheme will have the active staff in blue, whilst all other staves are in black.  If the text is in black, it belongs to another staff, if it's blue (unless the text colour is changed from default) it belongs to the current staff and you should be able to select (highlight) and edit it.

This can be tricky if you have layered staves and layering is active in the editor ( View | Layering In Edit Mode )
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: How to edit pre existing text.

Reply #5
There are two different types of text marker. One is and anchor and the other is a triangle. This is set up in Tools / options /Editor

If the "My Expression Anchor size" box is checked, then your system will use a triangle.
If it is not checked then it will use an anchor and the size of the anchor will depend on the setting below.

So, to the left of any text, there will either be an anchor or a triangle.
Select the triangle or anchor so that it is highlighted and then  ALT and Enter   to edit the text



Re: How to edit pre existing text.

Reply #6
Thanks Mike. That was it! Crosshairs helped center it. Can you help with another issue? Is it possible to enlarge existing lyrics?

Re: How to edit pre existing text.

Reply #7
Can you help with another issue? Is it possible to enlarge existing lyrics?
Yes, you would do this under Page Setup - the icon that looks like an open book.  In that dialog, there are multiple tabs, you want to go to the Fonts tab. On that tab, you would choose the Staff Lyric font, and increase the point size. You can also change the actual font, or use bold or italics.

Hope this helps!

Re: How to edit pre existing text.

Reply #8
Yep, that did it! Thanks again.