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Topic: Using Soundfonts with NoteWorthy Composer (Read 5217 times) previous topic - next topic

Using Soundfonts with NoteWorthy Composer

Many of you are already using Soundfonts with NoteWorthy Composer. For those of you that don't, perhaps it's because you do not know how to set up NoteWorthy to use them.

 I have written a step by step guide to setting up Coolsoft's VirtualMIDISynth and using soundfonts with NoteWorthy Composer. Written mainly for version 2.75 but will also work with earlier versions although the instructions may not quite match.

This can be found here :

There is a pdf instruction tutorial to download as well as a resource pack. The resource pack contains all you need to follow through the worked examples given in the instruction tutorial.

The Tutorial includes the following:
  • Link to download file, Setup and installation of Coolsoft VirtualMIDISynth
  • 6 nwc music files, 4 Soundfonts, 1 nwcitree, 1 info document
  • Worked example of using a GM Soundfont
  • Worked example of replacing an Instrument in a GM Soundfont using a single Instrument Soundfont
  • Worked example of a multi bank single instrument soundfont
  • Worked example of using Percussion sets
  • Worked example of using Special Effects from GM Soundfonts
  • Worked example of adding a second device so that NoteWorthy can have 30 instruments on 15 channels (and 2 drum sets on 1 percussion channel)

My thanks to  @SEBC for the need and inspiration to do this.
Thanks also to @Lawrie Pardy for being a sounding board for some of it (Pun intended).

Re: Using Soundfonts with NoteWorthy Composer

Reply #1
Thanks Rich!

Very cool and comprehensive.
I knew about soundfonts but never got into it. But this pdf was very very useful.
I'm  now exploring the 'Top 15 free Choir Soundfonts'.

And it set me to read further about nwcitrees, and I even managed to create one (for the 'all voices.sf'), and it works.

So again: many thanks!
Always look on the bright side of life!

Re: Using Soundfonts with NoteWorthy Composer

Reply #2
Lifechanging! Thanks again, Richard, for the generous sharing of your time and skill.

Re: Using Soundfonts with NoteWorthy Composer

Reply #3
I am using Coolsoft VirtualMIDISynth already for a long time, but I recently noticed the following strange behavior:
When my PC goes in sleep mode, and has woken up again, NWC cannot find the VirtualMIDISynth driver anymore.
Did someone else perceive the same behavior?

The only solution that I found yet is to close NWC and start it up again (if not changing the midi output device).


Re: Using Soundfonts with NoteWorthy Composer

Reply #4
Hi Bart,
I've noticed something similar, but for me it isn't specifically connected to sleep mode.

I did do a quick test, and I can confirm that the connection is lost when I put my notebook to sleep, BUT I've also found that to happen at other times which I haven't identified a cause for.

E.G., my notebook is on power pretty much all the time.  If connected to mains, the power plan will shut down the display after 10 minutes, but not the PC, which remains on (pretty much 24/7), yet, sometimes the connection between NWC and Coolsoft gets broken.  I can switch to the m$ synth and it still works OK, but even if I unload Coolsoft, and relaunch it, trying to reconnect within NWC still fails.  I have to relaunch NWC to reconnect :(
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Using Soundfonts with NoteWorthy Composer

Reply #5
I'm using MIDI in a handful of configurations - driving a MIDI-controlled crank organ from it, composing and feeding it into Reaper (a DAW), recording MIDI streams from two keyboards, and in between using non-MIDI audio from keyboard to (physical) mixer to computer. The result, in a word: It's a nightmare. If you change anything, it won't work - or it will. No idea when the first, and when the latter.

Essentially, the standard behaviour after some change - any change: add/remove USB-interface; listen to audio with Reaper, then with VLC; etc. - of either the mixer or the USB-MIDI interface or Windows (that sleep mode, for example) or Reaper or some other program I need is that it does not recognize some channel. Once in a while, I believe I have found the "real trick" (order of switching/enabling/starting programs and options) so that I can deterministically start some recording or playing session ... but max 3 attempts later, it won't work.

My rule now is: Plan at least half an hour, better one hour for getting all gear up and running. If it doesn't, switch off and on everything from left to right, and then right to left, and finally in random attempts until it somehow starts working (it always does, or did up to now); and finally (when doing a session with other people) always have something to do in that hour if it works like a charm after a minute, for whichever reasons beyond my understanding, until those others arrive an hour later.

Not very helpful, probably, that rant of mine; but ok - it's a hobby.



Re: Using Soundfonts with NoteWorthy Composer

Reply #6
I am using Coolsoft VirtualMIDISynth already for a long time, but I recently noticed the following strange behavior:
When my PC goes in sleep mode, and has woken up again, NWC cannot find the VirtualMIDISynth driver anymore.
Did someone else perceive the same behavior?

Yes, I have had the same issue but am not sure when it tends to happen. I am having a similar issue with Java not being able to be found by LibreOffice.