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Topic: Timeout problem with Python tool (Read 5873 times) previous topic - next topic

Timeout problem with Python tool

I'm experimenting with a user tool written in Python, since I like Python more then Lua. In this tool I use the module PySimpleGui to create a popup  window to accept some user input (see attachment 'Knipsel1'). The problem is: there seems to a timeout after about 10 seconds. If nothing is entered within that time, the tool aborts (see attachment 'Knipsel2').
I use the module PySimpleGui in other Python scripts and never had that problem. So I think the timeout is generated by the user tool environment of NWC.
Is there anyone who has an idea how to solve this?
Always look on the bright side of life!

Re: Timeout problem with Python tool

Reply #1
In you tool invocation, you might try checking one of these:
  • Long Task Handling
  • Prompts for User Input
Registered user since 1996


Re: Timeout problem with Python tool

Reply #2
Thanks, Rick!

Checking 'Prompts for User Input' solved my problem.
Why didn't I thought about that?
But of course, you're always there to help the ignorents!

Always look on the bright side of life!