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Topic: Instrument trees (Read 2797 times) previous topic - next topic

Instrument trees

Help!! Itried to enten different instruments to an arrangement for brass that I am working and found the list of instruments has disappeared. How can I recover it. It has been quiet awhile since I was in NWC. Has something changed?

Re: Instrument trees

Reply #1
If nwc2.exe is installed in C:\Program Files\NoteWorthy Composer 2
Tools->Options...->Folders->Instrument Trees:
should contain:
C:\Program Files\NoteWorthy Composer 2\itrees

and the beginning of: C:\Program Files\NoteWorthy Composer 2\itrees\Default.nwcitree

should look something like this:
# Copyright © 2004 by NoteWorthy Software, Inc.
# All Rights Reserved

# This is the General Midi instrument patch list. Any GM compatible
# synthesizer should support these patch assignments, but the device
# may have to be configured for General MIDI use.
# Refer to the Sample.nwcitree if you have any questions about how
# NoteWorthy Composer interprets this kind of file.

Acoustic Grand Piano=0
Bright Acoustic Piano=1
Electric Grand Piano=2
Honky-tonk Piano=3
Rhodes Piano=4
Chorused Piano=5

\Chromatic Percussion
If you have installed nwc2.exe somewhere else, substitute that path for:
C:\Program Files\NoteWorthy Composer 2
in the above instructions.
Registered user since 1996


Re: Instrument trees

Reply #2
An inconvenience with NWC2 is the necessity of having an instrument tree in a prescribed form before one can use a particular sound font.
Whilst some sound fonts have data which can easily be used to write an itree, often one has to look at the soundfont in the sound font bank manager and copy the description of each instrument to a temporary document before one can write the itree.  With my  Creative sound font manager, one of the commonest in use, "Copy and Paste" cannot  be used to copy the complete listing in a sound bank.
This is a nuisance to me at the moment because after a PC failure i have lost my sound fonts and have to reload them. Whilst I have back-ups of the itrees for one or two, it is a long task to recreate the rest.
