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Topic: Fixing Flow (Read 3220 times) previous topic - next topic

Fixing Flow

Good morning

I can't get the last section to play. It jumps back to the first repeat sign. What should I insert to fixt this? NWC flow always messes me up!

Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]

Re: Fixing Flow

Reply #1
not sure which is closest to what you want, so here's 2 possibilities.  By the way, if you wait long enough yours does work, you just get 4 times through instead of the 3 I think you're expecting.
Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Fixing Flow

Reply #2
Thanks Lawrie,

Not quite there yet. I need vs 2 and 3 to repeat, and chorus 2 and 3 have different endings. See attached score with written descriptions.

Re: Fixing Flow

Reply #3
Dear SEBC,

I must say that I don't understand what you specifically want to achieve.

But to make clear what NWC does, I have added in the lyrics line when NWC jumps and when it repeats which part (see attachment).
Maybe that helps you better understand how the endings work (or not).
Hopefully you can see where modifications are necessary to achieve your goal.

Be aware that if you have troubles finding the correct notation for the flow, also interpreters can be confused!
Therefore, it is sometimes better to write out a specific part a second time, instead of playing with flow directions and endings for everything.

Best regards,

Re: Fixing Flow

Reply #4
Hi Bart

I'm not seeing any lyric line in the attached file.

What I have is a piece with: introduction, first verse, second verse, chorus with one ending, third verse, chorus with new ending (key change), verse four, chorus, ending.
The verses are the same notation, the choruses are the same except for the endings (two measures are different). It is all good until the end of verse 3. I can't get it to jump to the new ending, and then into the key change on verse four and onward. Using special endings doesn't work.

That might not be any clearer, but thanks for trying to help.

Re: Fixing Flow

Reply #5
Thanks Lawrie,

Not quite there yet. I need vs 2 and 3 to repeat, and chorus 2 and 3 have different endings. See attached score with written descriptions.
OK, just to clarify:
Flow should be:
Intro, V1, V2*, C2, V3*, C3, KeyChange, V4, C4

Where V1, 2 and 3 are the same tune,
C1 does not exist,
C2 and C3 are similar but with different endings,
after C3 do a key change and then do V4 and C4

It's 2:15 AM here at the moment - will follow up tomorrow arvo...
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Fixing Flow

Reply #6
Yes, that's it. I decided to repeat the verse without the chorus the first time.

Re: Fixing Flow

Reply #7
There's probably a better way to do this, but this one works:
Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
|Text|Text:"C2 end"|Font:StaffItalic|Pos:9
|Text|Text:"C3 end"|Font:StaffItalic|Pos:9
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Fixing Flow

Reply #8

I think Lawrie's solution is what you need, but Bart's comment about confusing your musicians/choristers  is important. 

A chorus is, I think, part of a song that is repeated between verses.  If you change it, it's not a repeating passage, so you shouldn't label it as a chorus unless you want your musicians/choristers to waste valuable rehearsal time arguing about what they're supposed to play/sing.

Re: Fixing Flow

Reply #9
Thanks Lawrie, Bart, and David for weighing in on this. Lawrie's solution has fixed the issue. Where I had ending 2 and 3, he changed to ending 2.

Of course, musician clarity is HUGELY important. I will be conducting so can give instructions, but I don't want to break any norms, either. I have created a version where verse 1 stands alone and the repeats and endings apply to verse 2 and 3. I think this will be more clear for the singers. It also has the nice bonus of enabling me to do something a little different on verse 1 with the accompaniment.

I appreciate the help provided here, and a chance to work out the issues both musically and technologically.


Re: Fixing Flow

Reply #10
I have created a version where verse 1 stands alone and the repeats and endings apply to verse 2 and 3. I think this will be more clear for the singers

Agreed.  Goodnight.