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Topic: Import of Midi files containing lyrics (Read 2833 times) previous topic - next topic

Import of Midi files containing lyrics

I have imported an 8-part Midi file which contains lyrics as well as notation.
Noteworthy displays the 8 parts normally without the lyrics.
Below are 8 more lines showing faint stave content each including the notes and lyric but without the 5 stave lines.
There are 16 staves in all which the Mute list shows as two 8-part groups "standard" and "Lyrics"
I wish to move each lyric up to  its appropriate stave above i.e to merge the lyric in stave 9 with the notes in stave 1, 10 with 2 etc
Any idea how to do this?


Re: Import of Midi files containing lyrics

Reply #1
Start by selecting a staff you want the lyrics on, selecting L and specifying one lyric line and OK.  While on that staff, press F2 and under the Visual tab, uncheck "Layer with next staff".

Page down to the greyed out staff.  Press L and select tab "1" to see the lyrics.  Select all the lyrics and Cntl/C to put them on the clipboard.  Get back to the first staff and under Lyrics and tab "1" paste them in with Cntl/V.  Where the new lyrics don't line up with the old ones, add a slur, an underscore in the lyrics, or select (a) note(s), press Cntl/E, and change the lyric syllable attribute.

Once the lyrics match up you can delete the greyed out staff.  Continue this with each pair of staves.

HTH  Welcome to the forums.
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