Import of Midi files containing lyrics 2012-05-28 09:42 AM I have imported an 8-part Midi file which contains lyrics as well as notation.Noteworthy displays the 8 parts normally without the lyrics.Below are 8 more lines showing faint stave content each including the notes and lyric but without the 5 stave lines.There are 16 staves in all which the Mute list shows as two 8-part groups "standard" and "Lyrics"I wish to move each lyric up to its appropriate stave above i.e to merge the lyric in stave 9 with the notes in stave 1, 10 with 2 etcAny idea how to do this?Thanks Quote Selected
Re: Import of Midi files containing lyrics Reply #1 – 2012-05-28 11:36 AM Start by selecting a staff you want the lyrics on, selecting L and specifying one lyric line and OK. While on that staff, press F2 and under the Visual tab, uncheck "Layer with next staff".Page down to the greyed out staff. Press L and select tab "1" to see the lyrics. Select all the lyrics and Cntl/C to put them on the clipboard. Get back to the first staff and under Lyrics and tab "1" paste them in with Cntl/V. Where the new lyrics don't line up with the old ones, add a slur, an underscore in the lyrics, or select (a) note(s), press Cntl/E, and change the lyric syllable attribute.Once the lyrics match up you can delete the greyed out staff. Continue this with each pair of staves.HTH Welcome to the forums. Quote Selected