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Topic: Printing, publishing the music sheet... (Read 9986 times) previous topic - next topic

Printing, publishing the music sheet...


For printing my music, I integrate the output nwc music scores (~=100 files) as
wmf images in a word processor: quality OK with the wmf vectorial ouput format
(but not really direct with the 1.75 nwc version :(  see /forum/?topic=7298.0)

I want to publish theses images on the web... wmf format in not easy to manage:

 is there someting new to integrate (nwc output) in word processors and publish on the web with ver. 2.1?

I do not want to publish the file in nwc format (requiring a plug-in) neither a pdf page but as a simple quality image.

How do you do that?

Thank for help

Re: Printing, publishing the music sheet...

Reply #1
You said:-
wmf format in not easy to manage:
What do you mean?
I've found wmf/emf easy to use in Word docs.

Re: Printing, publishing the music sheet...

Reply #2
First, I have to adjuste/crop outside the word processor and save the adjusted picture.
Then, with more than 100 nwc/wmf pictures I can't paste in the word processor but access to it by a link.

But for printing i have done that and it's OK (but not easy to maintain...)

Now, how can i publish (on the web) these nwc/wmf pictures? (yes i think that it has been possible to add wmf/emf viewers for html  but i feel it is not really up to date).

Is there something new to do you do that with nwc 2.0? Is there other output formats?

I would not like to have to publish the nwc file, neither a pdf page but a simple quality image.

Re: Printing, publishing the music sheet...

Reply #3
Is there something new to do you do that with nwc 2.0? Is there other output formats?
NWC2.0+ uses EMF files rather than WMF
It is a rather simple matter to convert them to png files with IrfanView. Examples:
Registered user since 1996

Re: Printing, publishing the music sheet...

Reply #4
Bigoud said:
First, I have to adjuste/crop outside the word processor and save the adjusted picture.
How come?
Word and Open Office both have resize and crop tools.

Re: Printing, publishing the music sheet...

Reply #5
easy... but you cannot SAVE the formatted picture, thus you must leave it INSIDE the doc (not with a link): can you do that with more than 100 sheet music pictures?
With links to external cropped wmf files it's OK and high quality for printing.

But my question is about web publishing...

I would like to have to manage only 1 picture per nwc file ad'hoc for printing and web-publishing.
How do you do that?

Re: Printing, publishing the music sheet...

Reply #6
Why not convert .wmf to a more web-friendly format (such as .png or .jpg)? It seems as though that would solve your problem. The image viewer/browser/editor I use, Faststone, will do that conversion; I suspect others will as well. Faststone is freeware (

Re: Printing, publishing the music sheet...

Reply #7
I would like to have to manage only 1 picture per nwc file ad'hoc for printing and web-publishing.
How do you do that?
The first step would be to find a file format that supports more than one page per file and is displayable in browsers without an addon. I know of no such format. For my personal ad'hocery, I use multipage tiff files, but that won't help you with web publishing.

I would not recommend jpeg for NWC produced music.
Registered user since 1996

Re: Printing, publishing the music sheet...

Reply #8
Rick, i crop my sheet music pictures, each is less that one page, but i have more than 100 pictures in my word document)....

It has been seen in a preceeding topic (old forum/?topic=7298.msg50375#msg50375) that to preserve quality for printing nwc sheet music from a word processor, the vectorial wmf format must be preserved (... I do that and it is really high quality).

How do you do with Irfanview?
... If I open with Irfanview (or xnview or ...) my noteworthy vectorial wmf picture and then directly print it : the result is soon really poor!
What mismatch?
Thank you for the examples, I feel that Bohemian Rhapsody (snippet) .png 6.8 KB, 600x301
is OK for the web but hardly sufficient for printing.

For my goal,
Libertango.png  0.78 KB, 169x251          is poor for web publishing
Veni_emmanuel.png 35.4 KB, 1575x2475 is poor for web publishing
Pedal.gif 5.64 KB, 721x209                    is OK for the web but insufficient for printing

You have surely advices for me to get a little bit better quality than Bohemian Rhapsody (snippet) .png 6.8 KB, 600x301... which could be convenient for printing and for the web..

or perhaps somebody know how to view wmf files in http or php?

Thank you

Re: Printing, publishing the music sheet...

Reply #9
I have no help to offer for wmf files. NoteWorthy stopped producing them in Version 2.0 in favor of the EMF format.

You can drag an EMF file into Internet Explorer 8. The results are not spectacular.
Additionally, NoteWorthy's EMF files are indecipherable on machines without the proper fonts installed.

IrfanView can convert NoteWorthy's EMF files into a variety of bitmap formats, png being the most useful.
No bitmap format will scale from 600dpi used for printing to 72-120dpi used for the screen and preserve staff lines. My linked examples demonstrate that and are, at best 300dpi.

I know of no vector format that will preserve staff lines over that range. Now that I understand what you want, it looks impossible.

Libertango.png  0.78 KB, 169x251          is poor for web publishing
Is not my file!
Registered user since 1996

Re: Printing, publishing the music sheet...

Reply #10
A program that might bear looking into is  "image2pdf".

It can take multiple JPGs and create a single PDF file from them, or it can convert each JPG into its own PDF.

It's freeware and found in a Google search.

Hoping it's helpful,


Re: Printing, publishing the music sheet...

Reply #11
I understand i should have to manage and maintain 2 different pictures for each nwc file (one for printing, one for publishing)... 
none other alternative except  nwc viewer.

I have to choose between those 2 ways.

Thank you Rick

Re: Printing, publishing the music sheet...

Reply #12
bigoud47 wrote
I understand i should have to manage and maintain 2 different pictures for each nwc file

Image-heavy webpages take forever to open, so if you have more than a hundred images, you should optimize the image and post thumbnails linking to the ones your viewers will want to see.

Check this out

I used two images to demonstrate how you might webpublish either PDFs or images of your song files.

If you "print" your music to a PDF file and use a thumbnail taken from a screenshot of it, your webpage will open faster.

PDF has the advantage of allowing you to produce multipage files for download.   Making a PDF is a piece of cake.  You can use any number of freeware applications that pretend to be a printer - I use PDFCreator.exe from

If your song has single page PDFs you want to combine, you can use "PDF Split and Merge" available from

(My demo song is not well produced, but I only grabbed it out of a file I did a quick and dirty transposition of, and I wasn't worrying about output quality. I also didn't worry about sizing the images in the html file, but that's easy to do.)


Re: Printing, publishing the music sheet...

Reply #13
Thank you David for this third format! ;(

Seriously, for printing, as my tones are often short, I crop the nwc wmf output (with OO draw) and save the adjusted wmf picture, then integrate one, two or more high quality nwc wmf pictures(1) for a complete sequence in OO Write  (by linking) which export directly pdf files...

But, yes for the web, i could propose to also upload the pdf version of each tone easily generated from nwc composer...
one more file to manage (locally and on server) when updating one tone :(...

(1) i shall also generate once the picture formatted for the web. Remember that my initial question was to avoïd to manage two different file format but I have to agree with Rick : "No bitmap format will scale from 600dpi used for printing" thus... the topic is closed?

Thank you all