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Topic: Septuplets (Read 7755 times) previous topic - next topic


I have found a way to make septuplets by changing the tempo!!!So far, I the piece I'm doing, I didn't have to pad with rests in the other staves!! Yipee! I will be submitting the piece in the Scriptorium. You can see the [glow=red,2,300]septuplets[/glow] there!! The piece is Scotch Poem by MacDowell.

Re: Septuplets

Reply #1
I have found a way to make septuplets by changing the tempo!!!So far, I the piece I'm doing, I didn't have to pad with rests in the other staves!! Yipee! I will be submitting the piece in the Scriptorium. You can see the [glow=red,2,300]septuplets[/glow] there!! The piece is Scotch Poem by MacDowell.

It looks very nice, Josh.  And sounds great on playback.  Nice use of dynamics. 

I got the n-tuplet tempo change idea from someone else in one of these forums some time ago.  I'm glad I was able to pass it on to you. 

Re: Septuplets

Reply #2
Can't find the piece on the Scriptorium.  Seached for Scotch Poem, looked under MacD...  nothing.

Re: Septuplets

Reply #3
Can't find the piece on the Scriptorium.  Seached for Scotch Poem, looked under MacD...  nothing.

That's because I haven't published it yet - Josh has only just sent the music.
It will be there later on today.
Watch out for the Scriptorium update message in this board.

Re: Septuplets

Reply #4
I agree with David, very nice, but where did you do the tempo changes?  I couldn't find any tempo settings anywhere.

Re: Septuplets

Reply #5
Josh has put them way up high so they can't be seen unless you grab one and alter the vertical position.
Use NWC search facility to find them if you need to. (By Category - Tempo).

This will highlight the first one, then once highlighted - hold down ALT press enter and go to Expression placement.
Change the value of staff position to something like 12 , click ok and you will then see the tempo marking.

Re: Septuplets

Reply #6
CBM, A very useful tip I did with hiding the tempos like that. It makes it look like there was no tempo change at all, and it adds a feel the NWC can support 7-lets 4-lets, and 2-lets even though they can't.

Re: Septuplets

Reply #7
Why didn't you simply make them invisible (visibility=never) and leave them at standard height?
Alternately, they could be placed on a [shadow=grey,left]hidden[/shadow] conductor staff.

Re: Septuplets

Reply #8
[shadow=grey,left]LOL[/shadow]  !

Re: Septuplets

Reply #9
Check out user tip 131 (and 93 as well).
Since 1998

Re: Septuplets

Reply #10
Interesting.  The user tips don't seem to be numbered any longer, at least when I go in through the user tip link on the main forum page. 

Can you provide a link to UT 131, please, Warren?

Eric, if it's possible could you arrange to number them, please?

Re: Septuplets

Reply #12
Hi Eric,

I agree the UT's are indexed, but what I meant is, I can't see any indexing, table of contents, listing, etc. with the index number.  I'll email you the screen shots separately.


Re: Septuplets

Reply #13
There is a sneak.  If you "hover" the cursor on the "report to moderator" link at the bottom of a message and look in the status bar (this is in FireFox) you will see a link which contains the thread number and the message number.  Also, when looking at a the index there is a little page-and-arrow icon at the far right.  Again, if you "hover" the cursor you will see the thread and last(? -- maybe first unread?) message numbers.

Re: Septuplets

Reply #14
Hi, Cyril -

Likewise, if you hover the mouse on the subject of each message, you will also see the thread/message number in the status line (again, in Firefox).