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Topic: Wish list - note settings tab (Read 3153 times) previous topic - next topic

Wish list - note settings tab

To use a single measure repeat sign (available in the character map for Page Text Times New Roman and in some of Lawrie's fonts), I would normally create notes with blank noteheads, stem length zero, and no leger lines.  This allows the notes to be played back without being seen, and unlike Visibiltiy=Never, allows the text symbol to be fairly accurately placed.

At the moment, this requires two separate steps.  1.  Adjust the note properties with the Note Properties - Notes tab)  2. Select the blank notehead by mouse.

It occurs to me it would be more efficient if the Note Properties - Notes tab also had a choice of noteheads to select. 

Not exactly a priority wish, but a nice feature to have if possible.

While I think of it, augmentation dots should be suppressed when the notes have blank noteheads.

Re: Wish list - note settings tab

Reply #1
While I think of it, augmentation dots should be suppressed when the notes have blank noteheads.
The object uses blank noteheads as its mechanism, so if augmentation dots were automatically suppressed, they would need to be drawn by the custom object.  However, if you want to manually suppress the dots, this is possible by setting the Extra Dot Spacing to -1.  Note that the Extra Dot Spacing setting is only present in the 2.75a beta version.

Re: Wish list - note settings tab

Reply #2
As a reply to the original wish list request: I have previously thought that it might be useful to create a custom object to draw the measure repeat sign. That way, the notation in the measure could simply be marked Visibility = Never, and the object could be placed anywhere in the measure, and would draw the symbol centered between the measure bars, as per engraving standards. It could even have an option to draw either single-bar or two-bar repeat symbols (the latter is centered on the bar line between the measure pair being repeated).

Re: Wish list - note settings tab

Reply #3
it might be useful to create a custom object to draw the measure repeat sign
IMO, it would. It is not easy to find the center of the empty part of a bar, which is where the repeat should be placed. A User Object ought to be able to detect if the bar is the first one in a system and make the proper adjustment for any auto clef/key/tsig that might be there.
Registered user since 1996

Re: Wish list - note settings tab

Reply #4
Mike, thank you re the -1 info on the Extra Dot Spacing. 

Mike and Rick, I agree, it would be nice to have the object.  

Re: Wish list - note settings tab

Reply #5
An experimental object has been posted in the Back Stage forum. It currently requires the beta version of NWC 2.75a.

I am labeling this object as experimental because I haven't tested it extensively, although it seems to behave well. Please post any follow-up comments on the back stage post.