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Topic: crescendos on held notes (Read 5731 times) previous topic - next topic

crescendos on held notes

Will someone please explain in simple terms how to create a crescendo on a held note?

I know the theory: to create a crescendo from, say, mp to f, use an expression (or volume) mpc together with an initial mp set to a custom velocity. What I cannot do is find the formula to determine the proper values for (1) the custom velocity of the initial mp and (2) the initial value of the mpc, assuming a final value of 127. The logical thing would seem to be to set the custom velocity of the mp to 92 (the default velocity of an f) and use an initial mpc value of 95 (127 minus 32, the difference between the default velocity of an f and that of an mp); however, this results in an initial mp that is distinctly louder than a "normal" mp. A custom velocity set proportionately instead of absolutely (that is, since 95 is 3/4 of 127, set the custom velocity of the initial mp to 4/3 of the default) creates a noticeable change in timbre which suggests that it is still too loud (although it might instead be too soft). Leaving the mp at its default velocity is definitely too soft. What else is there? Aside, that is, from trial and error? Which I would prefer not to have to do in a piece that includes LOTS AND LOTS of crescendos.


Re: crescendos on held notes

Reply #1
The way I've done it is to swap velocity and volume settings - it's the combination that creates the initial attack.  Then, once the note is started and velocity no longer has any impact, you increase the volume setting (using an MPC) to match what would have been the velocity of the final sound had it been a struck note.  Don't forget to reset the volume (AND velocity) for the next dynamic change.

normal - Volume = 127, P(vel) = 45, F(vel) = 92
change to:
Velocity = 127, P(volume) = 45, F(volume) = 92
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: crescendos on held notes

Reply #2
Will someone please explain in simple terms how to create a crescendo on a held note?
It would help if you specified the instrument, pitch and duration. Duration would be from note on to note off as legato may need a slight adjustment to the MPC. The method I would demonstrate will use the Expression controller rather than the Volume controller.
Registered user since 1996


Re: crescendos on held notes

Reply #3
If you just swap the velocity and volume settings, why do you want to use An MPC? A simple hairpin does the job too.

Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
Always look on the bright side of life!

Re: crescendos on held notes

Reply #4
Reading Tina Billett's  Dynamics.pdf document from the Scriptorium may help . 
Follow this  link  and find the document at the second bullet point down.

Re: crescendos on held notes

Reply #5
This is another way to do it: dynamics.htm .

Edited change: Or this user tool.
Since 1998

Re: crescendos on held notes

Reply #6
By golly, Opagust, it does. Thanks. You just made my day a whole lot easier.

Thanks to the rest of you, as well. I love the way we take care of each other here. Rick, I understand that pitch, duration, and instrument timbre all affect dynamic changes in real life, but I'm not convinced that they make enough difference to worry about in NWC - and, in any case, I was after a general rule. I'm writing a brass piece with many, many crescendos on held notes, so posting a single example wouldn't help a whole lot. But I would be interested in seeing how you handle these factors.

Re: crescendos on held notes

Reply #7
Rick, I understand that pitch, duration, and instrument timbre all affect dynamic changes in real life, but I'm not convinced that they make enough difference to worry about in NWC - and, in any case, I was after a general rule.
My error. I thought you were interested in timbre.
Registered user since 1996

Re: crescendos on held notes

Reply #8
Opagust, you really surprised me.
I don't understand why it works but I'm glad it does.

The only problem is that the effect is a bit... stepwise.
With an MPC you can control the granularity.