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Topic: Object plugins (Read 3913 times) previous topic - next topic

Object plugins

Is there a primer for using object plugins?  How to install, when to use, how to change options, and (assuming someone knows lua), what steps are needed to modify or create a new one.

Since 1998

Re: Object plugins

Reply #1
Is there a primer for using object plugins?  How to install, when to use, how to change options, and (assuming someone knows lua), what steps are needed to modify or create a new one.

I don't know of an actual primer, but there are a few forum threads that should answer some of your questions. Here is one. is the official repository for the API documentation, and includes a few examples.

There are a dozen or so objects that are bundled with NWC 2.75, so there are lots of examples to look at. The ones with .ms in the filename were written by me, and I would be happy to answer any questions about them, or the steps needed to create new ones.


Re: Object plugins

Reply #2
Thanks, I'll be looking into it.
Since 1998

Re: Object plugins

Reply #3
Some other resources include....

-A short overview and example of using an Object in the User Guide on page 37.

-The Tutorial has been updated to include an Object, starting on page 17.

-The FAQ - Examples of Insert: Object... lists the new sample song files included in Version 2.75 and what Object is demonstrated.

-For *.nwc song files using an Object, you can use Edit: Find, Find What: |User|* to see an Object entry on a staff. Once an Object is highlighted, use Alt+Enter to see the Object name and parameters.

Re: Object plugins

Reply #4
An additional thought on finding user objects: by default, the object anchor is so small that it is practically invisible, and it may be difficult to spot while reading a score.  I'm not going to argue with the default (some may prefer it that way), but for those of us who want it larger, its size can be adjusted on the Editor tab of the Options dialogue.  Make sure you check the "My Expression Anchor Size check box; it also controls the "Object Anchor Size" spinner directly below it.

Re: Object plugins

Reply #6
A very nice FAQ. It might also be helpful to include the process for updating an object that has already been installed, to the latest version (following a post in the forum that an object has been updated). The steps would be similar to those for installing the object for the first time.

I have two other minor corrections to other FAQ pages:

Thanks again,

Re: Object plugins

Reply #8
Thanks for the feedback regarding additions and errors.