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Topics - ilow99

General Discussion / Solved: Problems opening UTF-8 files in NWC2.75 Preview 41

I seem to have encountered problems opening UTF-8 files in NWC2.75 Preview 41.

Problem 1:
The clip below contains the lyric line with UTF-8 letters:
|Lyric1|Text:"testḁ testẙ testẚ testẻ testẽ testỉ testủ testỳ\n"
I am able to paste the entire clip as a new file into Preview 41, and save it as NWC and NWCTxt file.
However, when I try to open the NWC file from Windows Explorer, it gives the error "This is a version '2.75' file, which is from a newer version of this application." Similarly, when I try to open the NWCTxt File, it says "Loading" in the status bar, but the NWCTxt file doesn't get loaded.

After some investigation, I managed to solve the problem as follows:
1) Inside Windows Explorer, right-click on the NWC or NWCTxt file, and select "Open With" -> "Choose Default Program..."
2) Then select "Browse...", then browse to the NWC folder, and select "nwc2test.exe" and Ok
3) Then under Other Programs, select "NoteWorthy Composer 2 Main Program"

Problem Solved! The NWC and NWCTxt files opened without any problems.

Problem 2:
I then edited and saved the NWCtxt file in Notepad, by inserting hyphens in the lyric line as follows:
|Lyric1|Text:"test-ḁ test-ẙ test-ẚ test-ẻ test-ẽ test-ỉ test-ủ test-ỳ\n"
However, when I try to open the NWCTxt file again, it had the same problem as before, saying "Loading" in the status bar, but the NWCTxt file doesn't get loaded.

After some investigation, I managed to solve the problem as follows:
1) I opened the NWCTxt file using a binary file editor such as hexedit, (available from
2) I deleted using hexedit the beginning of UTF-8 file marker characters "EE BB BF" that Notepad had inserted
3) I saved the binary-edited NWCTxt file

Problem Solved! The NWCTxt file opened without any problems.


Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
|SongInfo|Title:""|Author:"<Name>"|Lyricist:""|Copyright1:"Copyright © 2015 <Name>"|Copyright2:"All Rights Reserved"
|Font|Style:StaffItalic|Typeface:"Times New Roman"|Size:10|Bold:Y|Italic:Y|CharSet:0
|Font|Style:StaffBold|Typeface:"Times New Roman"|Size:8|Bold:Y|Italic:N|CharSet:0
|Font|Style:StaffLyric|Typeface:"Times New Roman"|Size:7.2|Bold:N|Italic:N|CharSet:0
|Font|Style:PageTitleText|Typeface:"Times New Roman"|Size:24|Bold:Y|Italic:N|CharSet:0
|Font|Style:PageText|Typeface:"Times New Roman"|Size:12|Bold:N|Italic:N|CharSet:0
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|Font|Style:User1|Typeface:"Times New Roman"|Size:8|Bold:N|Italic:N|CharSet:0
|Font|Style:User2|Typeface:"Times New Roman"|Size:8|Bold:N|Italic:N|CharSet:0
|Font|Style:User3|Typeface:"Times New Roman"|Size:8|Bold:N|Italic:N|CharSet:0
|Font|Style:User4|Typeface:"Times New Roman"|Size:8|Bold:N|Italic:N|CharSet:0
|Font|Style:User5|Typeface:"Times New Roman"|Size:8|Bold:N|Italic:N|CharSet:0
|Font|Style:User6|Typeface:"Times New Roman"|Size:8|Bold:N|Italic:N|CharSet:0
|StaffProperties|EndingBar:Section Close|Visible:Y|BoundaryTop:12|BoundaryBottom:16|Lines:5|Color:Default
|Lyrics|Placement:Bottom|Align:Standard Rules|Offset:0
|Lyric1|Text:"testḁ testẙ testẚ testẻ testẽ testỉ testủ testỳ\n"
General Discussion / Solved: Nothing happens when clicking on the NWC 2.75 Preview installation file

I recently encountered difficulties installing the latest NWC 2.75 previews on my Windows Vista.

Problem: When clicking the installation exe file, the hour-glass appeared for a few seconds, and then nothing happened.

After searching through various websites, I came across a fix for this:

1) Right-click on the exe file
2) Select Properties->General Tab
3) Where it says at the bottom "Security: This file came from another computer and might be blocked to help protect this computer." click on the Unblock button
4) Click on Apply, then Ok
5) Click on the installation exe file again

Problem Solved!

General Discussion / Images and Videos of NWC
If I wish to publish images of music staffs from NWC either in a book or on a website, or if I wish to upload videos of NWC playing music onto YouTube, do I need any special permission from NWC? If so, how do I obtain this?