Tips & Tricks / Percussion sheet music that plays properly !! :D

This would not normally play as you would expect:
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There is a nice little app called MidiOX, available from here http://www.midiox.com/
You need to download and install both Midi Yoke and Midi OX.
You will now have some extra midi "devices" available in NWC, (and other apps). Select MIDI Yoke NT: 1 as an extra playback device.
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This "device" can then be applied to a staff. Choose channel 10 for you percussion sound.
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If you are to play the staff now, you will hear nothing! What we need to do is have MIDI-OX recieve the Midi data from the Yoke and relay it on to our real playback device.
Load up MIDI-OX. Go to the Options menu, then choose Midi Devices...
In the MIDI Inputs box, choose MIDI Yoke NT: 1
In the MIDI Outputs, choose your playback device.
The dialog box should now look somethinglike this:
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At this stage you should be able to play the staff, but it won't be like percussion notation, you'll be getting bells and whistles and God knows what else

If you do not hear anything, double check the Port Routings. (View menu, Port Routings...)
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Now we need to apply some mappings, so that NWC will "read" our percussion staff correctly.
Within MIDI-OX, use the Options menu, Data Mapping...
Click on Insert
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Choose channel 10.
Enter the Input Value 1 min and max to 59 (This is the 1st space above the staff when using a drum cleff)
Enter the Output Value 1 min and max to 57 (This is a soft crash symbol)
Leave everything else as it is.
In this way you can remap any note to plas as any other note.
I have set a basic configuration like this:
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This gives me a bass drum, snare, hihat and symbol.
If you want to find more notes and the corresponding values, we need to monitor for them.
1st thing to do is set MIDI-OX to display values in decimal, instead of hexadecimal (since the mapper uses decimal).
In the Options menu, Data Display, unset both so not on Hex.
Now that that is done, use the Actions menu, and select Start Display.
Anything you play in NWC will not show up and you can read off corresponding values. We are interested in DATA1 only.
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I have not gone into a huge amount of detail, but this should hopefully provide some useful ideas for you all