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Topic: Measure numbers with multiple measure rests (Read 6560 times) previous topic - next topic

Measure numbers with multiple measure rests

When I use the 'Boxmark' font to inseert multiple measure rests into a score, how do I get the measure numbers to include those measure rests in the count?

Re: Measure numbers with multiple measure rests

Reply #1
Welcome to NWC!

You count the rest measures you have hidden and insert that count in your Boxmark text: "[nn]".  See this tip starting with the paragraph which starts: Wherever there are multiple consecutive whole rest measures ....
Since 1998

Re: Measure numbers with multiple measure rests

Reply #2
Hello Warren.  Thanks for the swift response, but either I haven't explained my problem properly or I have misunderstood your helpful reply, probably the former so I'll try again.

I have inserted, say 8 bars rest at measure 60 using the Boxamark font facility.  If I now set measure numbers on in the page setup facility, the measure count goes up to measure 60, then the measure after my 8 bars rest is measure 61, whereas I want it to be measure 69.  How do I get the measure numbers to include my multiple measure rest in the count?

I hope this expalins my problem more clearly, and I look forward to your help again.


Re: Measure numbers with multiple measure rests

Reply #3
You can  artificially raise the count with something like this:
You may have to force a system break to keep NWC2 from breaking on a hidden barline.

Note that you do not actually insert a multi-measure rest with the Boxmarks font. You just give a visual indication of it. To get the musical effect, you have to insert the rests and barlines and mark them as Visibility:Never.
Registered user since 1996

Re: Measure numbers with multiple measure rests

Reply #4
OK thanks Rick and Warren.  I think I've worked out the workround in your reply Warren, I appreciate your help.  I realise the boxmark facility is just a text insert which counts for nothing musically or in the measure count.  Thanks for your reply Rick I'll have a look that too.

Much appreciate your help

Re: Measure numbers with multiple measure rests

Reply #5
Hi Peter.
Rick has it right, but perhaps it is better to illustrate it completely for clarity.  Use my file to see how the sign overlaps the hidden bars. 
That method preserves the bar count.  The correct bar numbers will show on every visible bar line on the top system in the edit window, but will only show at the beginning of each top line on the printed page.  

Please note there is also a user tool that makes my file redundant nowadays.  It too will preserve the correct bar count.

Re: Measure numbers with multiple measure rests

Reply #6
I think I've worked out the workround in your reply Warren, I appreciate your help.  I realise the boxmark facility is just a text insert which counts for nothing musically or in the measure count.

My tip assumed the user started with a full score which included real measure rests for some parts.  The rests and barlines were hidden with text inserted showing the measure count.  As Rick and Peter pointed out, the barlines must still be there even though they are hidden if the measure count must be accurate.
Since 1998


Re: Measure numbers with multiple measure rests

Reply #7
OK thanks for that David and everyone.  I've got this well and truly sorted now thanks to each of you.

Like you David, I've been using NWC for a long time, since September 1997 in fact, but I only use it for notating simple scores and for transposing SATB saxophone quartet scores to SAAT.  So I don't really have a need to get into the 'clever bits' very often but when I do need a 'clever bit' I usually come unstuck !!!

Thanks again everyone for your help


Re: Measure numbers with multiple measure rests

Reply #8
I am interested in any saxophone quartet scores.
I have many big band and 10 piece score to swap if these are of interest.

Barry Graham
Melbourne, Australia.

Re: Measure numbers with multiple measure rests

Reply #9
Hello Barry.  A bit off topic perhaps, but it's my topic so I hope the Mod won't mind!!

I've accumulated around 50 saxophone quartet numbers over the years scored for both SATB and SAAT, and I've transposed a lot of the SATB to SAAT myself using NWC.  They've come from varous sources, the main ones of which are the excellent series of 3 Fairer Sax Ensemble books written by Karen Street of The Fairer Sax Ensemble which I strongly recommend, and from these two web sites:

The 4a4 web site is truly excellent and the Marillia brothers are superb arrangers in my view, especially Philippe.  The scores and parts are very inexpensive from 4a4, and it's great to be able to listen to them and follow the score before buying.  The second site is a free download site, and though it doesn't have the same range as 4a4 there are some nice arrangments there for free.

I'm not sure it would be very practical for us to swap scores and parts on line, and to be honest I'm not into big band and have not much use for 10 piece.  I hope the links above are useful to you though, Barry..............

Best wishes


Re: Measure numbers with multiple measure rests

Reply #10
Peter,thanks for those links.  I'm not in a quartet at the moment, but have been and hope to again someday.

Barry, I'll be in touch sometime over the next couple of months.


Re: Measure numbers with multiple measure rests

Reply #11
PING Peter B:

My misunderstanding - I thought the scores were your arrangements.
Here is another site you may already have.

Barry Graham
Melbourne, Australia

Re: Measure numbers with multiple measure rests

Reply #12
Nice site Barry, thanks, I look forward to spending some time there.  Sorry about the misunderstanding, I should have realised that's what you meant.

I have done a bit of arranging for sax quartet from choir piano/vocal scores, but my arrangements wouldn't set the world alight.  Also some quartet tenor and bari parts don't transpose comfortably to alto and tenor respectively, so I sometimes have to play around with the arrangement on these transpositions to get the piece back into balance, but that's the extent of my arranging ambitions/abilities really.

In any event I, and I suspect a lot of people like me, owe a lot to NWC without which we'd still be scratching around with pens and manuscript or taking out a second mortgage to buy another notation application, which shall be nameless here, and then going to college for a year to learn how to use it!!!!

All the best