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Topic: How to fix this measure (Read 4297 times) previous topic - next topic

How to fix this measure

Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
|Text|Text:"Swing 8ths"|Font:StaffItalic|Pos:11

How can I get the last eighth note to sit correctly within the 4/4 measure?


Re: How to fix this measure

Reply #1
Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
|Text|Text:"Swing 8ths"|Font:StaffItalic|Pos:11
Registered user since 1996

Re: How to fix this measure

Reply #2
Text description of Rick's technique (which I remember discovering in a long-ago forum post): Sometimes when you are using split voices, you need to convert a note to a rest chord with an invisible rest to make the beats come out.  It's hard to describe where to make the change, but if you count the beats in the top and bottom parts, you will generally see which note (or notes) need to be changed to rest chords, and what the duration of the rest should be. Remember that the rest duration determines how many beats the rest chord will occupy in the measure.

Re: How to fix this measure

Reply #3
Yes, that did the trick. I will have to remember this for the future. Thanks!

Re: How to fix this measure

Reply #4
I'm back with another question. Can you tell that my master's degree is almost finished? I've got time to figure out some things with engraving again!

I am trying to make the rests in this piece smaller when I use the piano part as a cue for the winds. Mike's cuehead tool doesn't work on the rests, just the notes,, and the grace note method makes the rest smaller, but the cue notes in the rest chord then disappear.

Any suggestions?


Re: How to fix this measure

Reply #5
Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
|StaffProperties|EndingBar:Open (hidden)
Or, if you don't use CueHeads:
Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
|StaffProperties|EndingBar:Open (hidden)
This avoids the spacing problems that Visibility:Never can cause.
Registered user since 1996

Re: How to fix this measure

Reply #6
At first I thought that you were using CueHeads on a RestChord (which does work, but the rest would be full-size). So I was envisioning an upgrade to CueHeads that would draw a cue-sized version of the rest... except that there's not an easy way to tell it do that. It's probably easiest to draw the cue rest as text, as Rick has done.

Re: How to fix this measure

Reply #7
I AM using cueheads on a rest chord. Is it possible to update the Cueheads to do this (says someone who has no understanding of the wizardry behind such a request!) ?

Re: How to fix this measure

Reply #8
Thanks, Rick for showing me one way (maybe the only way) to approach this.

Re: How to fix this measure

Reply #9
I AM using cueheads on a rest chord. Is it possible to update the Cueheads to do this (says someone who has no understanding of the wizardry behind such a request!) ?
Well, the CueHeads object could certainly draw in a cue-sized rest, if the rest on the rest chord were hidden. But, how would it know when it should draw the rest? The user might have marked the rest as hidden because they didn't want it showing. It would take some other object or marker to indicate that a cue-sized rest is needed... in which case you might as well just add one as text.

I don't know if the above makes sense to any one else but me...

Re: How to fix this measure

Reply #10
Maybe the answer will come to you in a vision of light...

Could you somehow piggy back the marker so that you would check a box and it would take care of the rests?

I was able to take care of it by doing a couple then doing copying and pasting for the rest.