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Topic: Symbol used in Vocal Scores (Read 2289 times) previous topic - next topic

Symbol used in Vocal Scores

   In vocal scores where two voices - soprano and alto, say - are shown on the same staff it is occasionally the case that one or other voice is divided into two for a single bar.  When depicting this, and especially when the notes are semibreves, and thus without tails, it is common to show the divided voice with the two notes "combined" by a symbol character that looks like an open square brackets.  This shows that those two notes are sung by one of the Voices, the other (third) note being sung by the other voice.

   Does anyone know what this symbol is called - if it has a musical name - and how to implement it in Noteworthy?

   MusicJohn, 18/Oct/19


Re: Symbol used in Vocal Scores

Reply #1
how to implement it in Noteworthy?
Perhaps like this:
Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
Registered user since 1996

Re: Symbol used in Vocal Scores

Reply #2

   Thanks, Rick.  I had thought of using the square bracket text character - "[" - thus:-


but I was hoping that there was some standard musical notation built in to Noteworthy that I'd simply missed.  But thanks anyway.
