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Topic: Change dynamics font size (Read 8098 times) previous topic - next topic

Change dynamics font size

I would like my dynamics markings e.g. "mp" to be smaller relative to the staff size.
But it appears from other posts that these are always in the "system" font, not one I can control the size of like "staff italic".
Is there a trick for this?  Or am I missing something very obvious (apologies)?

Re: Change dynamics font size

Reply #1
What you observe is correct; the dynamics markings are rendered using the Staff Symbols font. One workaround that is possible is to insert the dynamic markings as text, using the Staff Symbols font, and then adjust the Scaling (%) to make them slightly smaller. However, the text version of the dynamic won't control the playback dynamics, so if that is important for your score, you should insert a real dynamic at the same location in your score, with the visibility set to Never.

Here is an example of this approach:
Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
Perhaps as a future enhancement, the Scaling factor might be added for dynamic markings (and perhaps other things such as flow control items).

Re: Change dynamics font size

Reply #2
Thanks for the clear and prompt response Mike and, frankly, "ouch!" -
I'm hoping (probably in vain) that someone will have an easier trick.
I don't really want to go through the composition and change all the dynamics to text.  Let alone duplicate them all.  I guess it would only take 15 mins to do but seems unnecessary :-/  And I'd like a solution for the future as the relative sizing thing is pants.

I'm producing a melody version for congregational use of an SATB+accomp. mass setting, so it is smaller than the original and rather packed onto one page.  In that layout and form the dynamics are in the way and this would be quickly sorted by scaling them down slightly.  But not individually.  See attached.

Adding a choice of font and scaling for all dynamics would seem the right solution, but I wonder why it wasn't made a controllable font definition anyway ("staff dynamics") when they changed the other font size controls?

Re: Change dynamics font size

Reply #3
I guess it would only take 15 mins to do but seems unnecessary :-/ 
You must be doing it wrong. Use 'Filtered Properties...' to set all the Dynamics to Visibility:Never.
Use 'Find...' and Find Next to add Text items.
And I'd like a solution for the future as the relative sizing thing is pants.
The solution for the future is to hide them as you go along and use Text items. Text items are much more flexible for positioning and if the piece is at all complex, you will need that flexibility.
Registered user since 1996

Re: Change dynamics font size

Reply #4
Text items are much more flexible for positioning and if the piece is at all complex, you will need that flexibility.
How exactly are text items more flexible in their positioning? The only difference I see is that text items can be scaled size-wise, while dynamics cannot.


Re: Change dynamics font size

Reply #5
How exactly are text items more flexible in their positioning?
You can put spaces before and/or after the text for horizontal positioning.
Registered user since 1996