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Topic: Fail to export to NWC 1.75 File after upgrade to 2.75a today (Read 5326 times) previous topic - next topic

Fail to export to NWC 1.75 File after upgrade to 2.75a today

After installing the 2.75a upgrade (nwcupd_from_v2.75.exe) the program crash every time I try to export to the NWC 1.75 format.
Export to MIDI works fine.
OS: Windows 10
Tried with and without Admin priviliges.
Same error every time:
"nwc2.exe has stopped working. A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available"

Has anyone else tried to export to the 1.75 file format and experienced the same problems after upgrading to version 2.75a?

Kind regards,
Arne Trædal

Re: Fail to export to NWC 1.75 File after upgrade to 2.75a today

Reply #1
Has anyone else tried to export to the 1.75 file format and experienced the same problems after upgrading to version 2.75a?

I tested it when I read this thread and, in my system, NWC 2.75a crashed too.
I'm running NWC under WinXP Pro (32-bit). I have another session running Win7 Ultimate (64-bit) but I've not tested it yet...

Anyone more?
[...] y el mayor bien es pequeño: que toda la vida es sueño, y los sueños, sueños son.

Re: Fail to export to NWC 1.75 File after upgrade to 2.75a today

Reply #2
Yes, I can confirm this. We are getting pretty far away from version 1 compatibility, but I will give this a look.

Re: Fail to export to NWC 1.75 File after upgrade to 2.75a today

Reply #3
Same with my 2,75a

Re: Fail to export to NWC 1.75 File after upgrade to 2.75a today

Reply #4
This mechanism is fixed in 2.75a.2.

Re: Fail to export to NWC 1.75 File after upgrade to 2.75a today

Reply #5


   Some of us - me, for one - are still using 1.75 ... and W2k !

   MusicJohn, 1/Sep/17