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Topic: smartphone / tablet app (Read 11150 times) previous topic - next topic

smartphone / tablet app

As a suggestion to the programmers of NWC:

It would be nice to have an app on my tablet and/or my smartphone to be able to continue working on my compositions when being on the road. There should be an easy file exchange with the "stationary" NWC application on my PC at home.

Re: smartphone / tablet app

Reply #1
Well, my daughter would love just to be able to listen her NWC files on her Android smartphone.
Even listening by converting them to MIDI is no easy statement, or so appears to me.
(Not the conversion, the MIDI synth! I'm very ignorant about smartphones.)
A good suggestion, anyone?
Converting them to MP3 of course works, but it's tedious and the files are... cumbersome. (My daughter keeps saying that the memory is almost full...  ;)

My daughter also asked me for a way to do a playlist (on a PC).
Long ago we used Winamp for this.

Re: smartphone / tablet app

Reply #2
Well, my daughter would love just to be able to listen her NWC files on her Android smartphone.
Even listening by converting them to MIDI is no easy statement, or so appears to me.
(Not the conversion, the MIDI synth! I'm very ignorant about smartphones.)
A good suggestion, anyone?
I have been able to export NWC scores to .mid files, then save them to my Google Drive folder, and open/play the file from my Android smart phone or tablet. Have you tried this? I've done it both with my Nexus 5X phone (running Android 7.0) as well as my Nexus 10 tablet, which is running an older version of Android (5.0 I think)

Re: smartphone / tablet app

Reply #3
The problem is the MIDI synth.
It seems that my daughter phone hasn't any.

Re: smartphone / tablet app

Reply #4
My daughter also asked me for a way to do a playlist (on a PC).
Long ago we used Winamp for this.

Well, years ago, I was creating Noteworthy playlists to run with the Viewer (and before that, the Player) and I even wrote a tip on how to do it.

It looked a bit complex, but once you got the hang of what you had to do, it became easy.
Here is that reference to it, but don't worry about that .

This system does not work as described in Windows 10. However I have played around with the structure of the files (the noteworthy file play list and the command file that plays them using the Viewer) and I have now got it working.

I'll write it up as a new Windows 10 tip within the next few hours.


Re: smartphone / tablet app

Reply #5

   "The problem is the MIDI synth."

   I recommend either "Midisheetmusic" (free) or "Practice Player Live" (which I mention on my Website; not free, but inexpensive).

   MusicJohn, 21/Dec/16

Re: smartphone / tablet app

Reply #7
It looked a bit complex, but once you got the hang of what you had to do, it became easy.
Oh, nothing terrible. Just a bit more of the old DOS batch files.
Thanks for the idea.

Re: smartphone / tablet app

Reply #8
Sorry, not available for Android.
Are you sure? Or do you mean "not compatible with the version of Android on my daughter's phone"?  Here is the entry for it on the Google Play store:
(I am assuming this is the program @MusicJohn was referring to)

Re: smartphone / tablet app

Reply #10
Just to bring things back on the OP's topic:
As a suggestion to the programmers of NWC:

It would be nice to have an app on my tablet and/or my smartphone to be able to continue working on my compositions when being on the road. There should be an easy file exchange with the "stationary" NWC application on my PC at home.
I'm not sure how effective this would be - I'm not trying to "poo-poo" it or anything, but as a smartphone user (like most of us I guess) I have great difficulty seeing how I could effectively edit any part of a score on such a small screen and with such big fingers...  Expanding the view notwithstanding.

Perhaps some expansion on what the OP envisages may help my understanding.
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: smartphone / tablet app

Reply #11
You're right that a smartphone app would have limited editing value, Lawrie. But a tablet app would have plenty.

That said, it should be noted that, although Eric has never actually refused to put out a version of NWC in any OS other than Windows, he has certainly never indicated any desire to do so. He HAS made recent versions of NWC touch-screen compatible, though, and has demonstrated its use on a tablet. A Windows tablet. I suspect that if you really want to use the program on a mobile device, your best approach isn't to hope for an Android or iOS version, but to run out and pick up a Surface.


Re: smartphone / tablet app

Reply #12
I suspect that if you really want to use the program on a mobile device, your best approach isn't to hope for an Android or iOS version, but to run out and pick up a Surface.
I can vouch that NWC 2.75 runs very nicely on my Surface Pro (original model, running Windows 10). Including the multi-touch piano keyboard (although I must be honest and say I haven't taken advantage of that for song entry, but I mean to give it a try).

Re: smartphone / tablet app

Reply #15
It's fairly recent
Yes, but old enough for me to forget...   ::)
and needs php etc.
Well, I haven't (yet?) replaced all the tools I use with lua versions. Do you?
So php etc. is there and available.

Having said so, I must admit I haven't tried it yet, so maybe it's even more complicated than your method.
And, anyway, it's better to have two options than none...  :)

Re: smartphone / tablet app

Reply #16
I can vouch that NWC 2.75 runs very nicely on my Surface Pro (original model, running Windows 10). Including the multi-touch piano keyboard (although I must be honest and say I haven't taken advantage of that for song entry, but I mean to give it a try).
To use a Surface tablet might be a viable solution on the long run, but right now I'm using a more or less recent iPad Air. And yes, I DID hope to see a iOS version of NWC in the near future. There are a few composer apps available in the Apple store, but none of them does remotely match the capabilities of NWC. I'm using one of them to secure melodies coming to my mind occasionaly when I'm out, but the only way to exchange data with NWC is to use MIDI, which always requires some editing after importing.
Frankly, I can live with that for the time being. But since people increasingly prefer tablets to PCs, it might be a good idea for NWC to migrate to new platforms in time.

Re: smartphone / tablet app

Reply #17
It’s been a while since this topic was discussed but what do you think about nwc on iPhones? Doable? Never?