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Topic: NWC Offline Forum (Read 4729 times) previous topic - next topic

NWC Offline Forum

Help! Has this question been asked before: How do I tell what "vintage" of offline forum I currently have, so I know which upgrade to apply?

The date/timestamp on my downloaded forum.exe is the date and time I pulled it down, not the "vintage" date. So I usually end up downloading the whole offline forum again because I don't remember what the vintage was that I last used...


Re: NWC Offline Forum

Reply #1
What I do is start up the offline help, and the contents page normally says "Threads in chronological order thru 3 Feb 99" or something like that. That final date (or a date very close to it) is your vintage.

Re: NWC Offline Forum

Reply #2
The vintage appears in all of the following places in the offline forum help file:

- The title banner of the offline forum window:
NoteWorthy Composer Offline Forum (<vintage>)

- The title banner of the contents dialog:
Help Topics: NoteWorthy Composer Offline Forum Contents <vintage>

- The section title in the content tab:
Threads (in chronological order through <vintage>)

- The Contents page (the first page in the offline forum)

- Under the Help | Version command:
Vintage <vintage>

Re: NWC Offline Forum

Reply #3

I deleted everything I had for the Offline forum and downloaded the full version right after getting this info. So far so good.

Today I see there is a new version of the offline forum available. I got into the offline version that I had downloaded, and saw the vintage was 03-feb-1999. I downloaded nwcforum-990203.exe and ran the setup.

I get CRC error on the file NWC Offline Forum.hlp.

I also get CRC error on the .CNT file, but of course I can rebuild the "find and search" criteria so I am not worried about that one.

Why do I get the CRC error when applying the update? As far as I can tell, I have followed the correct procedures. Any ideas are welcome. Thanks.


Re: NWC Offline Forum

Reply #4
> Why do I get the CRC error when applying the update?

I just downloaded and ran this upgrade, and it worked perfectly. Something must be wrong with your installation. Here are the possible causes:

1) We do not offer a file called "nwcforum-990203.exe". We do offer an upgrade called "upgnwcforum-990203.exe" which upgrades from the 03-Feb-1999 edition to the latest. I will assume that you have the "upgnwcforum-990203.exe" upgrade for the rest of this.

2) You either don't have the 03-Feb-1999 edition installed on your computer, or it has been corrupted. When you run upgnwcforum-990203.exe, it should automatically find your existing 03-Feb-1999 copy of the forum. If it doesn't find it, then it does not exist on your hard drive.

3) The "upgnwcforum-990203.exe" program that you downloaded could be corrupted (thus requiring you to download again).

Since you are having so much trouble, you might be better off just downloading the nwcforum.exe distribution, which does not require you to keep track of your current older edition.

Re: NWC Offline Forum

Reply #5
Last, you can do a basic sanity check of your current copy of the offline forum, as follows (note that this does not prove whther your current copy is internally corrupted, only that it is the correct edition).

If you have the 03-Feb-1999 edition, then file:

NWC Offline Forum.hlp:
-- Should be dated February 03, 1999 8:37:31 PM
-- Should be size 3,428,352 bytes used

Re: NWC Offline Forum

Reply #6
You are indeed correct, the newer filename I downloaded is "upgnwcforum-990203", I inadvertently left off the "upg".

I still have the nwcforum.exe file I previously downloaded, as well as the upg file. I deleted the Offline forum, and re-ran nwcforum.exe to create it. It says the vintage is 03-feb-99.

The resulting HLP file is 3,427,952 bytes. I received no errors downloading that file originally, nor did I receive any errors re-executing it just now.

I am on NT 4.0 using NTFS and compression, could this make any difference?

I will download the CURRENT nwcforum.exe now, and when the next upg file comes out, I will see what happens then.

In the meantime, any further ideas about this are appreciated. Thanks.


Re: NWC Offline Forum

Reply #7
I downloaded the latest nwcforum.exe yesterday, received no download errors.

Just now I ran the unzip, received no errors.

The File Size (according to Windows NT Explorer, properties) of the .HLP file is: 3,363,010. The date is 3/2/99 at 08:09:32PM. Is this correct? Do I have a good file?

Re: NWC Offline Forum

Reply #8
Yes. you have the latest, and the date and size are correct.

You may be correct about NTFS compression causing your earlier upgrade problem. We will look into it.

Re: NWC Offline Forum

Reply #9
were I can dwonload nwcforum.exe ????

Re: NWC Offline Forum

Reply #10
Use the Go Offline link at the top of the page.

Re: NWC Offline Forum

Reply #11
Well, once again,I have to say, Well done, Noteworthy Folks!!!

I think some names are starting to show behind your anonymity, Noteworthy people.  Is one of you named Eric?  Who is the other person who commonly interacts on the Forum?