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Topic: NWC to Midi (Read 2415 times) previous topic - next topic

NWC to Midi

Hi, When I write in notation all looks correct until I send the file to the MIDI output at which point there is a pronounced hard cutoff for each not and an equally pronounced note switch-on - this is quite unpleasant to listen to. For example the first note of the bar starts at tick 0 and finishes at tick 160 but the second note doesn't start until tick 192. Is there some method of writing the notation so that the note-off and next note-on are closer to each other so that you don't get the staccato effect on midi playback?

Re: NWC to Midi

Reply #1
   Hi, Solong.

   What you're experiencing is probably the result of the Performance Style you're using - see the "Insert" Menu.

   NWC 1.75 has effectively three such styles - Legato, Semplice and Staccato; NWC 2.5 et al adds a staccatissimo.  All the other styles, though named differently, are actually each one or other of these.  For example, Tenuto is the same as Legato, and Marcato is the same as Semplice.

   When you first fire up NWC, and enter notes with the style undefined, it plays Semplice, which is as you described, with a clear cut-off and a hard start.  Though in reality the end result differs somewhat depending on what Instrument you're using, you can have the notes run together better, and so sound "smoother", using - as you might expect - Legato/Tenuto.

   MusicJohn, 25/Aug/14

Re: NWC to Midi

Reply #2
Thank you MusicJohn, that's cracked it. That's a feature I've never played with before but will from here on