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Topic: Arpeggios (Read 5876 times) previous topic - next topic


I'm still on Largo from Xerxes - is it common practice/does it make sense to use multiple layers for one staff?  For instance, I already have a layer to make everything come out even - can I add a layer making invisible arpeggios, while showing the arpeggio symbol on a visible staff?  I presume I would have to make the notes with the symbol mute, along with the notes with the actual sound being invisible.

Re: Arpeggios

Reply #1
Yes, right.

Re: Arpeggios

Reply #2

Re: Arpeggios

Reply #3
More on arpeggios - working on a different piece, and the arpeggiate tool isn't working full time.  All I can think is that I "broke" something.  The arpeggios (most of them) go through both bass & treble clef, and I'm using a tenor clef to articulate them, so they will all be one arpeggio.  First time I used the tool on one of those monster arpeggios, it worked just fine.  But I thought I had done something wrong, so I undid it.  Now, I can't redo it, nor can I do any of the other "monster" arpeggios.  Nor any others until I get well along into the file.  Then they seem to start working again (although I haven't yet put them on the tenor clef).

Re: Arpeggios

Reply #4
Now, I can't redo it
Did you remove all the hidden grace notes?
Did you select the visible chord?

nor can I do any of the other "monster" arpeggios.  Nor any others until I get well along into the file.
Sorry, no ideas.
Could you attach a snippet?

N.B. You probably will have to wait a bit for an answer since I'm just leaving for holidays.

Re: Arpeggios

Reply #5
Did you remove all the hidden grace notes?
Did you select the visible chord?
Sorry, no ideas.
Could you attach a snippet?

N.B. You probably will have to wait a bit for an answer since I'm just leaving for holidays.
Yes, to both of the above questions.  Right now, I don't have anything hidden except the tenor clef sign.  I finished the tenor clef, and I was able to arpeggiate all the smaller chord.  I'll work on getting a snippet for you.  Maybe someone else will figure it out while you're gone.  When I click on the tool, it acts like it is doing something, but there's nothing there.  I always do an undo after I try in case something happened that I can't see, and that will mess things up even worse


Re: Arpeggios

Reply #6
Take note that, although it does not show, this is a tenor clef (lots of fun working with that, as I am not at all familiar with where the notes go! - just like I originally learned to read music - tell me where middle C is and I'll take it from there).

Re: Arpeggios

Reply #7
Hi Susanna,
I've managed a little time to check it out - the problem is the duration of the chords, they're too short.

This segment of code from the user tool specifically excludes chords shorter than a crotchet (4th) note:
Code: [Select · Download]
foreach ($clip->Items as $item) {
$o = new NWC2ClipItem($item);
// If this is a non-grace chord and is not preceded by a grace note,
// and it is larger than an 8th note in duration, then add a grace note arpeggio
if (($o->GetObjType() == "Chord") &&
!isset($o->Opts["Dur"]["Grace"]) &&
(count(array_intersect(array_keys($o->Opts["Dur"]),array("Whole","Half","4th"))) > 0) &&
!isset($priorNoteObj->Opts["Dur"]["Grace"])) {
$chordnotes = $o->GetTaggedOpt("Pos");
$chorddur = $o->GetTaggedOpt("Dur");

Lines 4 and 5 of the snippet above are a comment describing it and line 8 has the section that does the work of excluding these particular chords.

It would be fairly easy to modify the tool, or just double the duration of these chords, run the tool and then halve them again...

A quick test shows the "fix" to be as simple as changing this line (line 8 in the code snippet, line 47 in the actual file "nwsw_ArpeggiateChord.php"):
         (count(array_intersect(array_keys($o->Opts["Dur"]),array("Whole","Half","4th"))) > 0) &&

to this (add the red bit, don't forget the comma):
         (count(array_intersect(array_keys($o->Opts["Dur"]),array("Whole","Half","4th","8th"))) > 0) &&

I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Arpeggios

Reply #8
Hi Susanna,
I've managed a little time to check it out - the problem is the duration of the chords, they're too short.

This segment of code from the user tool specifically excludes chords shorter than a crotchet (4th) note:
Code: [Select · Download]
foreach ($clip->Items as $item) {
$o = new NWC2ClipItem($item);
// If this is a non-grace chord and is not preceded by a grace note,
// and it is larger than an 8th note in duration, then add a grace note arpeggio
if (($o->GetObjType() == "Chord") &&
!isset($o->Opts["Dur"]["Grace"]) &&
(count(array_intersect(array_keys($o->Opts["Dur"]),array("Whole","Half","4th"))) > 0) &&
!isset($priorNoteObj->Opts["Dur"]["Grace"])) {
$chordnotes = $o->GetTaggedOpt("Pos");
$chorddur = $o->GetTaggedOpt("Dur");

Lines 4 and 5 of the snippet above are a comment describing it and line 8 has the section that does the work of excluding these particular chords.

It would be fairly easy to modify the tool, or just double the duration of these chords, run the tool and then halve them again...

A quick test shows the "fix" to be as simple as changing this line (line 8 in the code snippet, line 47 in the actual file "nwsw_ArpeggiateChord.php"):
         (count(array_intersect(array_keys($o->Opts["Dur"]),array("Whole","Half","4th"))) > 0) &&

to this (add the red bit, don't forget the comma):
         (count(array_intersect(array_keys($o->Opts["Dur"]),array("Whole","Half","4th","8th"))) > 0) &&

OK, that explains why later arpeggios did work, because they were all quarter notes.  But it doesn't explain why the dotted eighths worked the first time.  In any case, I'll admit that it was a lot of arpeggio for the length - the one time it did work, I tested it and it pretty much ran into the next note.

Re: Arpeggios

Reply #9
OK, got it all fixed.  I suspect I had the wrong length of note the first time it worked.  By having it all "fixed," that includes the arpeggio symbols.  It got pretty messy looking, when I had to layer the tenor clef with another (is there any way you can eliminate the appearance of the entire staff without layering it?).  When I first hid everything on the staff, without layering it, in the viewer it showed up as just an empty staff.  Anyway, it looks fine now in the viewer, and everything works.

Re: Arpeggios

Reply #10
To "disappear" a staff altogether goto |File|Page Setup|Contents (tab) and you can choose which staves are visible - this will remove them from the editor as well so only do this when you're done editing them or you'll need to bring 'em back.  I usually add them to a group called "Hidden" then you can hide and unhide a whole bunch of hidden staves all at once if you want.

Hidded staves still playback.
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Arpeggios

Reply #11
To "disappear" a staff altogether goto |File|Page Setup|Contents (tab) and you can choose which staves are visible - this will remove them from the editor as well so only do this when you're done editing them or you'll need to bring 'em back.  I usually add them to a group called "Hidden" then you can hide and unhide a whole bunch of hidden staves all at once if you want.

Hidded staves still playback.
OK, can I go back at any time to that dialog box and unhide them?  I would think that is the way it is set up.  Although I seem to be finished, I don't trust myself not to have overlooked a detail.

Re: Arpeggios

Reply #12
OK, can I go back at any time to that dialog box and unhide them?  I would think that is the way it is set up.  Although I seem to be finished, I don't trust myself not to have overlooked a detail.
Yes, you can.
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Arpeggios

Reply #13