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Topic: Version 2.51a Released for NWC and the Viewer (Read 9160 times) previous topic - next topic

Version 2.51a Released for NWC and the Viewer

Both NWC and the NWC Viewer have been updated to Version 2.51a. Full details of this upgrade can be found in the NWC Blog. A basic explanation of how to upgrade to this new version is summarized below:

  • You can upgrade your currently installed copy of NoteWorthy Composer 2.51 by opening it, then selecting the Access command in the Help menu.  You will automatically be directed to the page where you can download and install the NoteWorthy Composer 2.51a upgrade.

  • The latest Viewer can be downloaded from the NoteWorthy Composer Viewer page.

Re: Version 2.51a Released for NWC and the Viewer

Reply #1
Seems to work as promised.  Thanks Eric.