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Topic: Notation from Midi input (Read 4001 times) previous topic - next topic

Notation from Midi input

Sorry if this has been discussed, but I don't know what to call it or how to find out how to fix it. When I am recording from the keyboard into NWC, it always puts the notes with sharps (for example D# instead of Eb). I've tried setting the key signature in my dummy metronome file but it still stays sharps. Is there a way to set this?
Also, is there a way to just have a note move up a step without erasing it and placing a new one?

Thanks for any assistance!

I got great help with recording from my keyboard on previous message.

Re: Notation from Midi input

Reply #1
You will need to add a key signature after the import.

In current User's Guide (version 1.55):
- Page 21 for key change procedure
- Page 36, middle of page, for tip on moving notes

In the forum, see:

Re: Notation from Midi input

Reply #2

I haven't tried NW Composer, But I can recommend MIDINOTATE available from this web site:

God Bless,

Matt Mattero Ministries †

Re: Notation from Midi input

Reply #3
Matt: -

It's seems your reply is more than slightly off topic.
Susan was seeking assistance for a midi-in problem not a conversion from a midi file to notation.

I wondered why someone who hadn't used NWC was recommending a competitor's software....until I went to the site.
It seems that the developers of Midinotate offer rewards to anyone who will sell or promote their software on the net.
Might you be one of those promoters?
Your lack off knowledge with Susan's question suggests you might be.
I'm sure your motives in accepting a reward for service are correct - but get your facts right.

This isn't a public newsgroup - it's provided and maintained by NoteWorthy Artware as a discussion forum for users - not as a billboard for competing products.
The users here frequently recommend NoteWorthy Composer in public newsgroups, not for reward, but simply because we believe that NWC is an excellent tool.

If anyone is interested - Midinotate does a reasonable job in coverting a midi file to notation but you can't edit the notes (only transpose and change clef).
You have to wait until the developer produces ...Midinotate Composer... before you can do that.
And that's vapourware!

I have tried ... and uninstalled Midinotate.