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Topic: Problems with customizing toolbars (Read 5131 times) previous topic - next topic

Problems with customizing toolbars

First thing I wanted to customize in v2.51 was to remove the "Error" buttons in the toolbars.

But they always come back when I restart the program.

Any hints?
Always look on the bright side of life!

Re: Problems with customizing toolbars

Reply #1
What do you mean by "Error" buttons?

The only "erroneous" buttons I saw are 6 weird "Selector" buttons in the Insert toolbar. Internally, they are called Selector11...Selector16.

I could remove them (so that they stayed away also after a restart) by
* first simply removing them (View-Toolbars-Customize-etc.)
* then selecting "Save All" - I have no idea whether this was necessary, but it didn't hurt ;)


Re: Problems with customizing toolbars

Reply #2
Indeed there are some "error" buttons, relics of the previous toolbar.
Their removal is as Harald said.

If the removal is not permanent I suspect there are problems in rewriting the toolbar description file under "programs (x86)\....". Another instance of the old problem of the permissions.

Try opening NWC as Administrator before changing the toolbars.

Re: Problems with customizing toolbars

Reply #3
I don't have a "save all" button in the customize toolbar dialog box. I can choose between "close" and "restore defaults"

  • What do you mean by "programs (x86)?
  • I am an administrator on my PC. Do I have to open the program in a special way to be recognized as an Administrator?

Maybe my problems are due to the fact that I have been "screwing around" with my previous version by moving the Noteworthy Composer 2 folder to Dropbox, where it worked fine, and then back to my PC, where it worked also fine.
But when I wanted to upgrade, the setup-program gave an error that I didn't have a proper copy of version 2.5.5. So I had to by the upgrade (at a reduced rate, because I was still a registered user).
Another (small) problem I had after that screwing around was that the file history wasn't updated anymore, but I could live with that.
Always look on the bright side of life!

Re: Problems with customizing toolbars

Reply #4
I don't have a "save all" button in the customize toolbar dialog box.

So do I. :-)
I suppose Harald intended to click the normal "File->Save all".  (Unneeded operation, anyway)

I suppose you are using windows 7 or 8, in which case the directories c:\programs (x86)\... are protected and only the administrator is autorized to write there.
The file with the NWC toolbars is in that area.

Windows >= 7 don't care if you ARE the administrator; you have to expressly say "run as administrator" each time you have something important to do.
Don't ask me what I think about that!

the setup-program gave an error that I didn't have a proper copy of version 2.5.5.

The update program checks the actual installation and wants the configuration to match what was installed.
Probably, moving it here and there you screwed it up.

A solution is to simply remove the installed NWC, reinstall the first version you bought and then follow the chain of updates.
A bit annoying but nothing so terrible unless, of course, you have to do it every day. :-)

Re: Problems with customizing toolbars

Reply #5
Right-click on the New Command button. A context menu should appear that says: 'Customize...'. Select that.

Window's File Explorer should open to your config files. It should contain:
  • nwc2toolbars.dat
  • FileMRU.dat
Look at the modification dates and times. If they are not updating when you make changes, you have permission problems. I have no advice on how to solve your permission problems. I use WinXP and everyone is an admin :)
Registered user since 1996

Re: Problems with customizing toolbars

Reply #6
Where do I find the 'New Command' button?
If I right-click on any button but the new selector buttons and click 'Customize', Windows File Explorer opens with focus on the 'My Documents' Folder...
Always look on the bright side of life!


Re: Problems with customizing toolbars

Reply #7
I have no advice on how to solve your permission problems. I use WinXP and everyone is an admin :)

Right click->Run as administrator

Re: Problems with customizing toolbars

Reply #8
Setup.exe saved in my documents / Uninstall / re-install ==> problem solved!
Always look on the bright side of life!