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Topic: How do you say "OK"? (Read 3213 times) previous topic - next topic

How do you say "OK"?

In the dialogs, how do you say "Ok" with the keyboard?
The only way I found is to press tab until the focus is on the "Ok" button.
Very annoying, in particular in the dialogs with a lot of components.

Re: How do you say "OK"?

Reply #1
Hit the "Enter" key?


Re: How do you say "OK"?

Reply #2
I should have used a dialog with an edit box that used the carriage return itself, but I can't recall which dialog was.

Thank you.

Re: How do you say "OK"?

Reply #3
That works unless the focus is set to a multiple-line edit control that has ES_WANTRETURN set.

NWC 2.51 has 3 multiple-line edit controls. Two of them have ES_WANTRETURN set.

They are:
Tab, Enter will close them.

For the ugly details, see: Just because you're a control doesn't mean that you're necessarily inside a dialog box.
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