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Topic: What time is it? (Read 2157 times) previous topic - next topic

What time is it?

I have a couple of scores by Alan Stivell.
For both the time is 6/8 and the tempo is indicated as "100 = quaver" and "132 = quaver".
I set the tempo in NWC as "quaver = 100" and "quaver = 132". It's the same thing, isn't it?

I never heard the first piece but, sure, the second one is waaaaay too slow.
An acceptable value for the latter is "dotted crotchet = 132".

How should I read the Stivell's tempo indications? (I don't think I could ask him ;-)


Re: What time is it?

Reply #1
One is "Port ui mhuirgheasa".
The other is "Caitlin Triall".