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Topic: Import resolutions (Read 4071 times) previous topic - next topic

Import resolutions

I must admit I never really understood what Note Resolution and Rest Resolution
do. I never found any difference.

Now I imported a file with a slight defect in the rhithm.
I find very boring to adjust it by hand, so I selected Note Resolution = Quarte Note: no change.
I then selected Whole Note: no change.

No matter what I choose, I keep getting this:
Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]

Am I missing sometring?

Re: Import resolutions

Reply #1
It seems to work only if Use the import wizard on open is checked!

Re: Import resolutions

Reply #2
A. As in staff 2 of the attached Clip2.nwc,
you might do a manual edit of the chords which repeat,
and just copy and paste.
(Admittedly, this could be tedious, if it carries on for many bars.
I suspect that RickG or somebody else could produce a usertool to automate the conversion.)

B. You might try importing into Musescore to see what you can get.
If it's any good, save as XML
and convert to NWCTXT, using  Niversoft's convertor

(My experience has been that Musescore does the better job of recognising  triplets,
I don't know whether it would help with this problem of yours.)

Re: Import resolutions

Reply #3
Haymo, let me expand my second post:

I checked Use the import wizard on open, then I dropped my file to NWC.
The wizard opened, I choose Note Resolution = Quarter Note and, pronto!, all was as I expected.

As I wrote, all this seems to work only if Use the import wizard on open is checked (i.e. you use the wizard).

Re: Import resolutions

Reply #4
Sorry Flurmy,
I seem to be extra dull today -
at 83+ a couple of days


Re: Import resolutions

Reply #5
My best wishes, Haymo, even if a bit late... ;-)