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Topic: Grace notes and ties (Read 3885 times) previous topic - next topic

Grace notes and ties

I discovered that, for the grace notes, the ties are not considered.
The grace notes only steal time from the first note.
Listen to the mordent here:

Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
|Clef|Type:Treble|OctaveShift:Octave Up

I think it shouldn't be so.

Re: Grace notes and ties

Reply #1
Good catch. A simple fix:
Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
Registered user since 1996

Re: Grace notes and ties

Reply #2
Rick, you're incredible!
How do you think things like that?

Thank you for the workaround.

Re: Grace notes and ties

Reply #3
How do you think things like that?
Grace Notes Command:
grace notes ... will steal time from the full (non-grace) note that follows them when the staff is played back.
Knowing this, I figured that if all the time is stolen, the "full (non-grace) note" will not play. Your clip verifies this.
I know from experience that once grace notes exhaust a "following note", they steal time from the next one.
Grace notes do not steal time from one another.
Therefore, to insure that the principal note sounds, tie a grace note into the principal note.
QED :)
Registered user since 1996

Re: Grace notes and ties

Reply #4
All the rest was known to me.

This was the missing tile:
I know from experience that once grace notes exhaust a "following note", they steal time from the next one.

Re: Grace notes and ties

Reply #5
Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]

1 and 2 sound as expected.
3 and 4, there's no stealing of time, both pitches sound together.
5 and 6, why does visibility matter?

Re: Grace notes and ties

Reply #6
Only because the pitch doesn't change. Otherwise, notes are turned on and off as in examples 3 and 5. IMO, playback is at odds with NWC's documentation.

5 and 6, why does visibility matter?
I believe that this is your answer:
An experimental change is also added that treats Visibility=Never, inwardly tied grace notes in a similar fashion.

With the exception of the changes described in Muted notes and muted staves, I am not seeing changes from NWC 1.75. I used the Export Command on both Flurmy's and Peter's clips and converted the resulting NWC 1.75 files to MIDI using a 2004 copy of NWC2MID.EXE
Registered user since 1996